I just wanna say i was completely blown away, been meaning try classic doom ever since i played doom 2016 so i got doom 3 bfg edition on sale a few weeks ago after seeing it came with classic doom1 and 2 and to my dissapointment i was pretty underwhelmed. i completely understand why they were great from their time but for a first time player in 2020 it can be a little slow and simple. when i was recalling all this to a friend who's a hardcore doom fan he turned me towards Brutal Doom and it completely changed my mind on classic doom. and while i really enjoy it with the base games playing it with the hell on earth level pack completely transforms this to a game i would say is timeless and could still be good in another 20 years.

So the with the big change from abstract levels to believable enviroments i want to talk a little about the 3 main types of levels you'll see here and they're actually neatly broken up into 3 chapters all 10 levels each. First you'll start off on a milatary base in Mars as these levels see you making your way through the base to reach to reach a portal to earth, these levels are what i would call classic Doom Search and destroy gameplay where instead of open arenas like Doom Eternal you do a lot of fighting in confined space with ocassional arenas to throw a bigger fight at you, in these levels you'll fight through a bunker, a nuclear reactor, offices and everything inbtween, and as you progress the game does an amazing job of steadily drip feeding you your aresnal of weapons as each new gun leads to a great moment of experimentation as just like doom 2016 every gun can do the job well but some are better for specific situations, like the new railgun for clearing hallways or one thing i loved finding out is using the new kick attack on Hell Knights stomach can lead to it clutching over in pan for a breif moment during which 2 quick super shotgun blasts can finish it off safely (also try using the jump kick to kick off imps heads****) Hell in Brutal Doom v21 there are 3 different shotguns and i was switching between them regularly for differnet situations.

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After mars we have the games biggest claim to fame we have the earth levels, now these are some truely impressive stages where dooms typical corridors have been expanded into entire neighbour hood blocks with small houses you can enter to collect little goodies like ammo, armour and the ocasional powerup, and let me tell you that you'll need all the advantages you can get because outside those houses are hoards of demons with the ocassional surprise from a giant Cyber demon mixed into all that as you peak through windows to get safe shots or hit the streets to strafe around projectiles and land as many hits as you can. these levels are much more focused on upping the scale of engagements and also returning a little to those wide open arenas we're a little more used to seeing, but there's just something special about scavenging armour in what looks like a book store and seeing the leg of a cyber demon outside the windows.

And the third section of the game is the Hell levels..... now i have a confession, i hate the hell levels of literally every doom game. i think they're boring to look at and explore and there's not really a lot you can do with the hell theme, with that said these are some really solid levels as the creator used the hell theme to return to classic dooms sort of abstract designs. there are still levels that are recognisable as beliveable spaces like the gothic house of demon nobles or the blood swamps, but theres a couple levels like the sacrifical pits or the underground that take advantage of these otherworldly places and focus on just making a level that is fun to play.

With all that said and the low entry price of free you really owe it to yourself to check this out as it's a complete blast but i do want to mention somethings. the complete packed in version comes with brutal doomv20, the most recent version is brutal doom v21 with that said the changes are fairly minor and you can get the same experience by just playing the pack in version however if you want to try and update it beware it broke the final boss for me so i had to go back v20 to do that fight. other things to mention is the Gore settings aren't max at startup so feel free to change that in the settings to "japanese cartoon" for maximum sillyness. and finally while i never needed to look up a walkthrough there were a couple puzzles where i was stuck and trying to figure out what to do just remember to explore, that certain walls can be destroyed by a rocket launcher and that certain switches can be shot to activate). and finally one of the early levels you will need to get the blue key from underneath that crusher and yes it is waaaay harder then it should be, just use quick saves (F6) and quick loads (F9) when trying (or hell no clip) its a weird blemish on an otherwise polished experience and it's all uphill from there. e24fc04721

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