Don't Burn It Tucson

Waste incineration and other high heat "conversion " technologies are  NOT the answer to our  city's solid waste problems


To advocate for alternatives to the siting of a waste-to-energy facility at 

the City of Tucson's Los Reales Landfill. 

What is Being Considered?

The City's environmental services department has spent the last two years studying technologies for converting solid waste into energy, fuel, or fuel ingredients at the Los Reales Landfill.  These waste-to-energy technologies represent a false solution that would destroy resources and pose a risk to our health and climate.  

 What Should be Done Instead?

Waste-to-energy is a distraction from zero waste solutions like waste reduction, reuse, product redesign and recycling.  With time, attention and leadership, we can transition from a linear "take-make-waste" ecnomony to a circular one that conserves resources, generates less waste and keeps materials in use for as long as possible.

How to Get Involved

Please scroll below to "take action".  

We are working to urge Mayor Romero and City Council members to reject the siting of a waste-to-energy facility and instead commit to a zero waste future. 

You will also find our contact information and social media links.

Follow Us

Instagram: @dontburnittucson     Facebook: @dontburnittucson   Twitter: @dontburnittuscon