Ph.D. Political Science, University of California, San Diego, 2015

M.A. Political Science, University of California, San Diego, 2010

M.A. Public Policy, Georgetown University, 2007

B.A. Public Administration, Korea University, 2005 



Don S. Lee. 2024. The President’s Dilemma in Asia. Oxford University Press

Peer-reviewed articles 

29. Don S. Lee, Kee Hoon Chung, and Inbok Rhee. Forthcoming. Who Becomes A Civil Servant?  Evidence from A Decade of Youth Panel Analysis. Public Management Review

28. John S. Kuk, Don S. Lee, and Inbok Rhee. Forthcoming. Does Exposure to Election Fraud Research Undermine Confidence in Elections? Public Opinion Quarterly

27. Don S. Lee. Forthcoming. Bureaucratic Professionalization and Cabinet Management: How Civil Servants in Presidential Democracies Are Treated Differently.  Public Administration Review

26. Don S. Lee and Soonae Park. Forthcoming. Do Motivated Public Servants Behave More Ethically? Review of Public Personnel Administration

25. Don S. Lee, Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling, and Soonae Park. Forthcoming. Learning Effects of Anti-Corruption Reform in Public Organisations: Explanations from Social Psychological Theory. Public Management Review

24. Don S. Lee and Soonae Park. 2024. Bureaucratic Responsiveness under Dynamic Political Settings: Experimental Evidence from Local Governments. Legislative Studies Quarterly 49 (2): 323-352

23. Don S. Lee. 2024. Public Assessments of Ministerial Leadership in Times of National Crisis: The Case of the Pandemic Crisis. Public Administration 102 (1): 95-113.

22. Don S. Lee, Sangyub Ryu, and Soonae Park. 2023. Determinants of Local Civil Servants’ Perceptions of Intergovernmental Tensions: Experimental Evidence from Korea. Public Performance & Management Review 46 (5): 1113-1144

21. Don S. Lee, Paul Schuler, and Soonae Park. 2023.  Circling the Wagons: How Perceived Injustice Increases Female Bureaucrats’ Support for Female Political Leaders. Journal of East Asian Studies 23 (2): 333-345

20. Don S. Lee, Annemarie S. Walter, and Soonae Park. 2023. Anti-Corruption Policy and Whistle-Blowing Intentions: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Meritocratic Civil Service Systems. Administration & Society 55 (6): 1194–1217

19. Don S. Lee and Zsuzsanna B. Magyar. 2023. Separation of Powers, Opposition Strength, and Chief Executives’ Strategy. Governance 36 (2): 479-497

18. Yang Hun Kim and Don S. Lee. 2023. An Analysis of the Impact of Bill Initiators’ Position in Subcommittees on the Passage of Bills: From the Perspective of the Distributive Benefits Theory (대표발의자의 법률안심사소위원회 직책이 법률안 가결에 미치는 영향 분석: 위원회 이론 중 이익분배 이론의 관점에서). Korean Political Science Review (한국정치학회보) 57 (1): 119-142 (in Korean)

17. Don S. Lee and Fernando Casal Bertoa. 2022. On the Causes of Electoral Volatility in Asia since 1948. Party Politics 28 (6): 1187–1199

16. Soonae Park and Don S. Lee.  2022. Political Crisis in Central Government and Bureaucrats’ Responses in Provincial Government: The Impact of Governors’ Characteristics. Political Research Quarterly 75 (4): 1186–1200

15. Don S. Lee and Charles T. McClean. 2022. Breaking the Cabinet’s Glass Ceiling: The Gendered Effect of Political Experience in Presidential Democracies. Comparative Political Studies 55 (6): 992-1020

14. Don S. Lee. 2022. Agency Heads’ Public Profiles and Bureaucratic Performance. The American Review of Public Administration 52 (6): 409–422

13. Don S. Lee and Soonae Park. 2021. Bureaucratic Responsiveness in Times of Political Crisis: The Case of Presidential Impeachment. Public Administration 99 (3): 563-580

12. Don S. Lee and Soonae Park. 2021. Civil Servants' Perceptions of Agency Heads' Leadership Styles: The Role of Gender in Public Sector Organizations. Public Management Review 23 (8): 1160-1183

11. Soonae Park, Don S. Lee, and Jieun Son. 2021. Regulatory Reform in the Era of New Technological Development: The Role of Organizational Factors in the Public Sector. Regulation & Governance 15 (3): 894-908

10. Don S. Lee and Soonae Park. 2021. What Motivates Street-level Bureaucrats to Implement the Reforms of Elected Politicians? Policy & Politics 49 (1): 141-160

9. Don S. Lee and Soonae Park. 2020. Ministerial Leadership and Endorsement of Bureaucrats: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Presidential Governments. Public Administration Review 80 (3): 426–441 

8. Don S. Lee and Paul Schuler. 2020. Testing the “China Model” of Meritocratic Promotions: Do Democracies Reward Less Competent Ministers than Autocracies? Comparative Political Studies 53 (3-4): 531–566

7. Don S. Lee. 2020. Executive Control of Bureaucracy and Presidential Cabinet Appointments in East Asian Democracies. Regulation & Governance 14 (1): 82-101 

6. Don S. Lee and Jong-Sung You. 2019. Electoral Reform in South Korea? Application of a Mixed-Member Proportional System and Its Implications (선거제도 개혁에 대한 이론적, 경험적 고찰과 한국적 적용: 연동형 비례제를 중심으로). Journal of Korean Social Trend and Perspective  (동향과 전망) 105 (2): 46-91 (in Korean)

5. Don S. Lee. 2018. Executive Capacity to Control Legislatures and Presidential Choice of Cabinet Ministers in East Asian Democracies. Governance 31 (4): 777-795

4. Don S. Lee. 2018. Portfolio Allocation as the President's Calculations: Loyalty, Copartisanship, and Political Context in South Korea. Journal of East Asian Studies 18 (3): 345-365

3. Don S. Lee and Soonae Park. 2018. Democratization and Women's Representation in Presidential Cabinets: Evidence from East and Southeast Asia. Asian Journal of Political Science 26 (2): 161-180

2. Jonathan Sullivan and Don S. Lee. 2018. Soft Power Runs into Popular Geopolitics: Western Media Frames Democratic Taiwan. International Journal of Taiwan Studies 1 (2): 273-300

1. Don S. Lee and Jong-Sung You. 2017. Semi-Presidentialism: Typology, Outcomes, and Application to Korea (이원정부제의 이론적, 경험적 고찰과 한국적 적용을 위한 사례 예시). Journal of Korean Social Trend and Perspective (동향과 전망) 100 (3): 118-151 (in Korean)

Book chapters

4. Don S. Lee. Forthcoming. Executive-Legislative Relations in East and Southeast Asia: Institutional Separation of Powers and Its Consequences. In David S. Law et al.  eds., The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Asia. Oxford University Press

3. Don S. Lee and Soonae Park. 2023. What motivates street-level bureaucrats to implement the reforms of elected politicians? In Benjamin Ewert et al. eds., Beyond Nudge: Advancing the State-of-the-Art of Behavioural Public Policy and Administration. Bristol University Press

2.  Jonathan Sullivan and Don S. Lee. 2021. Situating Tsai Ing-wen’s first term: Three decades of presidential discourse in Taiwan. In Gunter Schubert and Chun-Yi Lee eds., Taiwan during the first Administration of Tsai Ing-wen: Navigating in Stormy Waters. Routledge

1. Don S. Lee and Jong-Sung You. 2018. Application of a Premier-Presidential Type of Semi-Presidentialism to South Korea (의회주의적 이원정부제의 적용). In Jai Chang Park ed., Constitutional Amendment in Korea. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Knowledge Press, 243-274 (in Korean)

On media

4. Public Assessments of Ministerial Leadership in National Disaster Situations: The Case of the Pandemic Crisis (국가 재난 상황에서 장관리더십에 대한 대중의 평가: 팬데믹 위기 사례), The National Library of Congress (Sejong) Webzine, May 2023 (Vol. 84, pp. 52-57). (in Korean)

3. South Korea’s new leader says there’s no gender inequality problem: That will hurt women in politics there, our research finds, The Washington Post's Monkey Cage, April 26, 2022.

2. The future of democracy and rise of authoritarianism in Asia, East Asia Forum, December 10, 2021.

1. On electoral reform in South Korea: Application of a MixedᐨMember Proportional System (의원 수 안 늘리고도 연동형 비례제 가능하다),, December 23, 2018. (in Korean)

Under Review

GulliMair’s Travels: The Voyage of Party System Closure to Asia (R&R)

How do Policy Environments Shape Public Service Motivation? (R&R)

Government Stimulus Programs and Civil Servants’ Assessments 

Do Marginalized Voters Prefer More Proportional Rules? 

Do Public Hearings Increase Competence in Presidential Governments?

Representation and Discrimination: Experimental Evidence about Bureaucratic Deployment and Promotion

On the Perils of Presidentialism? Direct Presidential Elections and the Institutionalization of Asian Party Systems (1948-2020)

Representative Bureaucracy in Public Education 

Working Papers (available upon request)

Ministers as Policy Coordinators and Assessments of Presidential Office 

Policy Entrepreneurship: Experimental Evidence from Local Governments 

Unraveling the Dynamics Surrounding Ministers and Deputy Ministers: A BERTopic Analysis of South Korean Government Press Releases

Gaining Social Value through Youth Activities

Private Gains From Public Loss?: Managing Conflict of Interests in Public Organizations

Who Supports Whom in Government Response Policies? Experimental Evidence from Citizen and Civil Servant Surveys 

Legal Corruption in the Government: The Role of Civil Servants’ Political Ideology 

Manuscripts in Progress

Party System Closure in Asia (book manuscript)

Local Government Elections and Chief Executives’ Accountability

Determinants of Party System Closure in Asia

Party Institutionalization and Ministers' Cabinet Careers

Do Civil Servants Understand Citizens’ Preferences and Prospects When Implementing Policies?

Informal Networks and Promotion in Meritocratic Bureaucracies

Navigating Loyalties among Career Bureaucrats in Presidential Staff Positions: A Conjoint Experiment Approach

Leadership Dynamics in Bureaucracy: A Conjoint Analysis of Superior Attributes and Subordinate Preferences