

I am an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Governance and the Department of Public Administration at Sungkyunkwan University. Formerly, I was a Leverhulme Trust fellow and an assistant professor in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham. 

I received a Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, San Diego in 2015. I also studied at Georgetown University where I graduated with an M.A. in public policy. 

My research interests lie at the intersection of the political economy of institutions and public administration/policy. My research projects cover a wide array of topics but share a focus on quantitative and experimental methods and research design.

My first book, titled The President's Dilemma in Asia, is published with Oxford University Press. My second book manuscript on party system closure in Asia (with Fernando Casal Bertoa) is in progress. 

My research has been introduced in the Washington Post, mentioned in the Economist, and published or forthcoming in peer-reviewed academic journals, including Comparative Political Studies, Governance, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Party Politics, Policy & Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Public Administration, Public Administration Review, Public Management Review, Public Opinion Quarterly, Regulation & Governance, and among others. I also have been interviewed for a commentary by TIME


Email: don.lee (at) g.skku.edu

Sungkyunkwan University

Graduate School of Governance and Department of Public Administration

Jongro-gu, Seoul, South Korea