When you have a water leak at home, you have to be quick and hire a professional plumber to solve the problem, as leaks generate infiltrations that in the long run compromise structures and can cause serious or fatal accidents.

To solve the leak, the best solution is to call a professional plumber, who will diagnose the problem and fix it quickly and efficiently. But it's not just any professional who calls himself a professional plumber that you should hire, you need to pay attention to some points.

The profile of a good professional Heating Services is essential to make the right choice when it comes to a quality service. In this article, you will see tips for hiring a competent professional.


The professional Leak Hunting works in the location of water leaks in hidden plumbing, repairing and offering a clean, fast and much cheaper service than a regular plumber.

Plumbers are usually professionals indicated for the installation of hydraulic plumbing, but when it comes to plumbing service , these professionals are usually not prepared to fix a possible leak, because to locate it, they end up breaking several points on the wall, which generates costs of subsequent renovations to customers, in addition to often causing more leak points.

The residential plumber offers a service to detect leaks in the walls of bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms, in addition to any place with a hydraulic system such as swimming pools for example.

The residential plumber is a complete professional with professional training, in addition to the knowledge and experience of the day to day service. When choosing one, you need to follow some tips so you don't opt ​​for a professional evil.


The first tip for hiring a professional plumber is about equipment for professional use. An effective leak detector brings with it several devices that are used to detect leaks.

One of the most used is the Geophone. Geophone is a device that has an auscultation and a phone, the auscultation being placed in the place where it is suspected to have leak problems and the phone to listen to the noises in the pipes.

The Geophone is the device most used by a hydraulic plumber in the world, and currently the equipment has become more efficient, with 100% digital technology and a headset that makes the outside sound completely null during the leak diagnosis, giving more precision during the professional's work .

In addition to the Geophone, other devices are used, such as the Thermographic Camera, important to assist in the diagnosis of leaks, as the camera can visually identify, through the heat in the pipes, where the leak is.

There are also other devices, such as the Hydrophone, which serves to identify water leaks in swimming pools and works like the Geophone. Manometer that measures water pressure and chemical tracer are other equipment that help the good professional in finding leaks. When saying “I need a plumber near me” always look at all the options.