Korea Institute of Science and Technology

Center for Energy Materials Research

Dong Won Chun's Research Group


Graduate and postdoctoral positions available

We are looking for 'New members' to join our lab..

If you are interested in in-situ TEM characterization, energy materials, catalyst, please submit your CV to Dr. Dongwon Chun (chundream98@kist.re.kr).

반응 환경(Liquid, Gas) 하, 실시간 수소저장/ 촉매 소재 TEM 분석 연구를 위한 박사후연구원(Post-Doc.)/인턴연구원(기간제) 및 대학원생 모집합니다.

지원 방식 : 이력서 제출 (천동원 책임연구원 : chundream98@kist.re.kr)

[Chun's Research Group]

Our group works in imaging the way that crystals grow and the way that crystals evolve at the atomic level by using in-situ transmission electron microscopy. If we can image materials that are under the working conditions, we are more likely to understand underlying principle behind the reaction. And if we can understand the reaction principle, we can have a chance to control the materials growth, further their crystal structures/orientations. Therefore, our research involves putting different materials in a transmission electron microscopy, and imaging their changes under the heating, gas and liquid environments. We have focusing on imaging of energy materials for hydrogen storage and catalyst. And one interest area that we are especially excited about is discovery “new metastable phase” by liquid cell TEM.

Pd particle formation via multistep crystallization

HCP Pd nanoparticles in a GLC

STEM-high-angle annular dark-field images and EDS elemental maps of Mg2FeH6-MgH2, Pd nanoparticle, Au-Pt Core-Shell

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