Microstructues and Smart Process Laboratory


I received Ph.D. from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University (Republic of Korea) in 2018 under the guidance of Prof. Jaewook Nam and Prof. Pil J. Yoo. During my Ph.D. student, I developed various quantification methods of image processing and numerical analysis for nano-/micro-structures (mainly on silver nanowires and Li-ion batteries). In my first Postdoc at Seoul National University, I mainly investigated commercial-scale catalytic fluidized bed reactors using theoretical modeling and simulation (using Barracuda). During my second Postdoc at Columbia University, I  on CO2 capture, especially direct air capture using various solid sorbents inside fluidized beds. Currently, I am an assistant professor at Soonchunhyang University and actively working on various research fields including process analysis, microstructures, fluidized bed, AI, and CCUS.