Recent News


Dongkwon Seo's paper "Direct Observation of Particle-To-Particle Variability in Ambient Aerosol pH Using a Novel Analytical Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy" was published in "Environmental Science & Technology"


Jeonghyun Lim and Gogyun Shin's paper "Fast Detection and Classification of Microplastics below 10 μm Using CNN with Raman Spectroscopy" was published in " Analytical chemistry "


Changmin Park and Dohyun Lim's paper "Dark background-Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Detection of Nanoplastics: thermofluidic strategy" was accepted in " Water reasearch " (IF 12.8 / JCR <1%)


Prof. Shin's paper "One-pot platform for the collection and detection of nanoparticles: Flexible surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates with nano-pore structure  " was accepted in " Chemical Engineering Journal " (IF 15.1 / JCR < 5%)


Gogyun Shin's paper "Plasmonic Heating Effect in SERS-based Nanoplastic Detection " was accepted in " Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical " (IF 9.221 / JCR < 1%)


Congratulation!  Dr. Navin's review paper "Nanoplastic Detection with Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Present and Future" was accepted in "Trends in Analytical Chemistry" (IF 14.9, JCR <1%)

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 2021-01-29 홈페이지 open!