Jefferson Era Study Questions

1. At the point when Lewis and Clark were conveyed to investigate the new Louisiana Purchase what was the principle goal of their outing. a) New Maps of the land b) To discover a conduit that associated the east toward the west c) Make arrangements with the Indians d) Find a decent spot to settle 2. How did active President Adams guarantee federalist control of the territorial courts? a) Made Marshall boss equity of the Supreme Court b) Judiciary Act of 1801 c) Embargo Act d) Midnight makes a decision about 3. When the Embargo Act was established who did it influence more? an) America b) France c) Britain d) Spain 4. What did Macon’s Bill state? a) The End of the war of 1812 ) The preeminent court alone had the final word on the topic of lawfulness c) If Britain or France canceled the business limitations America would reestablish the ban demonstration against the non-revoking country d) Sent 4,000 individuals to war 5. Who were the warhawks? a) They were the new hot headed substitutions put into congress b) An Indian clan assaulting America c) Secret British officers dressed as Indians d) An epithet for Federalist 6. Who were the two individuals that unified all the Indians east of the Mississippi? a) Lewis and Clark b) Jefferson and Hamilton c) Tecumseh and the prophet d) Squanto and Sacajawea . What was NOT a result from the fight at New Orleans? a) 2000 British fighters were killed in only a half Hour b) Jackson turned into a war legend c) The British committed the error assaulting first d) None of the over 8. What was the settlement of Ghent expected to achieve? a) Free the slaves b) To get the two sides to consent to quit battling and reestablish vanquished an area c) To assemble new streets d) To give the man Ghent another name 9. What was NOT an impact of the war of 1812? an) It uplifted patriotism b) Broke the country separated c) Inspired a great deal of scholars and painters d) Created a huge armed force and naval force 10.What was the primary driver of the frenzy of 1819 an) Unemployment b) Immigrants c) Bank disappointments and liquidations d) Over hypothesis in boondocks lands 11. The Missouri bargain separated the treatment states and free states at which territory did this occur? a) West of the Mississippi b) 36 30’ c) Oklahoma state line d) East of the Mississippi 12. What was NOT part of the American framework? a) Created a way breaking tax for security not income against the British b) Had solid financial framework c) Created a system of streets and trenches d) Got free of the focal government 13. McCulloch v. Maryland expressed that… a) The state can not burden