
Key Publications

Tsekouras, D., Gutt, D., Heimbach, I. 2024. The Robo Bias in Conversational Reviews: How the Solicitation Medium Anthropomorphism affects Product Rating Valence and Review Helpfulness.  Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2023. Reviewing from a Distance: Uncovering Asymmetric Moderations of Spatial and Temporal Distances Between Sentiment Negativity and Rating.  MIS Quarterly, 47 (4), 1709-1726.

Gutt, D., Herrmann, P., Rahman, M. 2019. Crowd-Driven Competitive Intelligence: Understanding the Relationship between Local Market Competition and Online Rating Distributions. Information Systems Research, 30 (3), 980-994.

Gutt, D., Neumann, J. Zimmermann, S., Kundisch, D., Chen, J. 2019. Design of Review Systems – A Strategic Instrument to Shape Online Reviewing Behavior and Economic Outcomes. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(2), 104-117.

Working Papers/Work in Progress

Foerderer, J, Gutt, D., Greenwood, B. N. 2024. Star Wars: An Empirical Case Study of Star Performer Turnover and Content Supply on Multi-Sided Streaming Platforms. Preparing 3rd Round Resubmission.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Li. T. 2023. NFT Disruption in Platform Competition: Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles.
Preparing 2nd Round Resubmission.

Kupfer, A., Gutt, D., Zimmermann, S., Kundisch, D. 2024. On the Effectiveness of Completion-Contingent Reward Systems to Incentivize Online Reviewing Behavior: Evidence from a Natural Experiment on Google Maps.
Under 2nd Round Review.

Gutt, D., Jabr, W., Neumann, J., Kundisch, D. 2022. My Reviews are taken away, what about my Reputation? The Asymmetric Impact of Resetting the Review History on Mobile App Platforms History in Mobile App Markets

van Rijn, L., de Vries, H., Gutt, D., van Wassenhove, L. 2022. Providing Access where it is Needed: Equity and Inclusion through Contraceptive Implant Removals by Mobile Outreach Teams.

Vafa Arani, H., de Vries, H., Gutt, D. 2023. The Bitter Pill: The Impact of Tendering on Nationwide Drug Shortages.
Preparing 3rd Round Resubmission.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Tunc, M., Li. T. 2023. How Do Platform Subsidies Affect Creation, Engagement, and Pricing? Evidence from Non-Fungible Tokens.

Quinn, M., Gutt, D. 2023. Does Generative AI Erode Its Own Training Data? Empirical Evidence of the Effects on Data Quantity and Characteristics from a Q&A Platform.
Preparing 2nd Round Resubmission.

Quinn, M., Gutt, D., and Mehta, S. 2024. Hit the GAS: Designing Optimal Generalized Ad-supported Subscription Mechanisms.

Preparing submission.

Peer-Reviewed Conferences

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Tunc, M., Li. T. 2023. How Free Market Entry Affects Market Quality: Evidence from Non-Fungible Tokens. in: Proceedings of the Forty-third International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India. (Best Paper Nominee)

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Tunc, M., Li. T. 2023. How Free Market Entry Affects Creation and Engagement: Evidence from Non-Fungible Tokens. contribution at: Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, USA.

Quinn, M., Gutt, D. 2023. The Downfall of Q&A?  The Effect of Large Language Models on Q&A Activity on StackExchange. contribution at: Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, USA.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Li,, T. 2021. Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Affect Prices of Physical Products? Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles. contribution at: Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Austin, USA.

Foerderer, J, Gutt, D. 2021. The Effects of Platform Superstars on Content Production: Evidence from Ninja. contribution at: Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Austin, USA.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Li,, T. 2021. Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Affect Prices of Physical Products? Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles. in: Proceedings of the Forty-second International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, USA. (held in hybrid form due to COVID-19).

Tsekouras, D., Gutt, D., Heimbach, I. 2020 The Rise of Robo-Reviews – The Effects of Chatbot-mediated Review Elicitation on Review Valence. at: INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), online.

Müller, M., Neumann, J. Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2020. Toss a Coin to Your Host – How Guests End up Paying for the Cost of Regulatory Policies. In: Proceedings of the Forty-first International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India.

Goeken, T., Tsekouras, D., Gutt, D., Heimbach, I. 2020 The Rise of Robo-Reviews – The Effects of Chatbot-mediated Review Elicitation on Review Valence. in: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), online.

Gutt, D., Neumann, J., Jabr, W., Kundisch, D. 2019. The App Updating Conundrum: Implications of Platform’s Rating Resetting on Developers’ Behavior, in: Proceedings of the Fortieth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D. 2019. Money Makes the Reviewer Go Round – Ambivalent Effects of Online Review Elicitation in B2B Markets, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Görzen, T., Kundisch, D. 2019. When does Local Status Matter? – The Relationship between Reviewer Location and Perceived Usefulness of Online Reviews, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico.

Gutt, D., Neumann, J. 2019. The Virtues of Anonymity - An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between B2B Online Ratings and Reviewer Self-Disclosure, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Research-in-Progress, Stockholm, Sweden.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D. 2019. He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune: Online Review Elicitation by Sellers and Third-Party Platforms in B2B Markets, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Research-in-Progress, Stockholm, Sweden.

Müller, M., Gutt, D. 2019. Heart over Heels? An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Emotions and Review Helpfulness for Experience and Credence Goods, in: Proceedings of the International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Research-in-Progress, Siegen, Germany.

Gutt, D. 2018. In the Eye of the Beholder? – Empirically Decomposing Different Economic Implications of the Online Rating Variance, in: Proceedings of the Twenty Fifth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Kundisch, D., van Straaten, D. 2018. When Local Praise Becomes Cheap Talk – Analyzing the Relationship between Reviewer Location and Usefulness of Online Reviews, in: Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018 (MKWI), Research-in-Progress, Lüneburg, Germany.

Gutt, D. 2018. Sorting Out the Lemons – Identifying Product Failures in Online Reviews and their Relationship with Sales, in: Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018 (MKWI), Research-in-Progress, Lüneburg, Germany.

Müller, M., Gutt, D., Neumann, J. 2018. Beschreib mir deine Wohnung und ich sag' dir wer du bist - Eine explorative Analyse von Gastgeberpersönlichkeiten auf Airbnb, in: Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018 (MKWI), Student Track, Lüneburg, Germany.

Schlangenotto, D., Kundisch, D., Gutt, D. 2017. Achieving More by Paying Less? How Bricks-and-Mortar Retailers Can Benefit by Bidding Less Aggressively in Paid Search, in: Proceedings of the Thirty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2017. The Traveling Reviewer Problem – Exploring the Relationship between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior, in: Proceedings of the Thirty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2017. A Homeowner’s Guide to Airbnb: Theory and Empirical Evidence for Optimal Pricing Conditional on Online Ratings, contribution at: INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Houston, USA.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D. 2017. A Homeowner’s Guide to Airbnb: Theory and Empirical Evidence for Optimal Pricing Conditional on Online Ratings, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal.

Gutt, D., Schlangenotto, D., Kundisch, D. 2017. You Can't Buy my Rating! On the Pivotal Effect of an Unconditional Gift on Rating Behavior, in: Proceedings of the International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2016. Money Talks (Even) in the Sharing Economy: Empirical Evidence for Price Effects in Online Ratings as Quality Signals, in: Proceedings of the Thirty Seventh International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Research-in-Progress, Dublin, Ireland.

von Rechenberg, T., Gutt, D. 2016. Challenge Accepted! - The Impact of Goal Achievement on Subsequent User Effort and Implications of a Goal's Difficulty, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth European Conference on Information (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey.

Gutt, D., Herrmann, P. 2015. Sharing Means Caring? Hosts' Price Reactions to Rating Visibility, in: Proceedings of the Twenty Third European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Research-in-Progress, Münster.

Workshops and Conferences without Peer-Review

Quinn, M., Gutt, D., and Mehta, S. 2024. Hit the GAS: Designing Optimal Generalized Ad-supported Subscription Mechanisms. contribution at: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Lisbon, Portugal.

Kloc, A., Gutt, D. 2024. Swipe and Study: Analyzing Study-Related Content on Social Media Platforms. contribution at: 40th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Milan, IT.

Wang, W., Gutt, D., Li, T. 2024. Balancing Openness and Control: The Impact of Entry Barriers on User-Generated Content in DAO. contribution at: 5th Digital Economy Workshop (DigiEcon), Rotterdam, NL.

Wang, W., Gutt, D. Li, T. 2023. Balancing Openness and Control: The Impact of Entry Barriers on User-Generated Content in DAO. Pre-ICIS Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Blockchain Innovations and Technologies (SIGBIT). (Best Paper Award)

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Tunc, M., Li. T. 2023. How Free Market Entry Affects Market Quality: Evidence from Non-Fungible Tokens. contribution at: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA.

Gutt, D., Quinn, M. 2023. The Downfall of Q&A? The Consequences of the ChatGPT Launch on Stackexchange. contribution at: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA.

Gutt, D., Quinn, M. 2023. The Downfall of Q&A? The Consequences of the ChatGPT Launch on Stackexchange. contribution at: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Bogotá, Colombia.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Tunc, M., Li. T. 2023. How Free Market Entry Affects Market Quality: Evidence from Non-Fungible Tokens. contribution at: 5th Digital Economy Workshop (DigiEcon), Lausanne, SUI.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Tunc, M., Li. T. 2022. How Free Market Entry Affects Market Quality: Evidence from Non-Fungible Tokens. contribution at: Crypto-Marketing Conference, New York City, USA.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Li., T. 2022. Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Affect Prices of Physical Products? Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles. contribution at: Crypto-Marketing Conference, Yew York City, USA.

Foerderer, J, Gutt, D. 2022. Peer Effects of Star Turnovers on Multi-Sided Content Platforms: Evidence from Ninja. contribution at: Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Copenhagen, DK.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Li., T. 2022. Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Affect Prices of Physical Products? Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles. contribution at: Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Copenhagen, DK. (Best Student Paper Nominee)

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Tunc, M., Li. T. 2022. How Free Market Entry Affects Market Quality: Evidence from Non-Fungible Tokens. contribution at: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Madrid, Spain.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Li., T. 2022. Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Affect Prices of Physical Products? Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles. contribution at: 4th Digital Economy Workshop (DigiEcon), Norwich, UK.

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Li,, T. 2021. Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Affect Prices of Physical Products? Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles. contribution at: 2021 Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Business Analytics (AIML), (held online due to COVID-19).

Foerderer, J, Gutt, D. 2021. The Effects of Platform Superstars on Content Production: Evidence from Ninja. contribution at: Platform Strategy Research Symposium, Boston, USA. (held in hybrid form due to COVID-19).

Foerderer, J, Gutt, D. 2021. The Effects of Platform Superstars on Content Production: Evidence from Ninja. contribution at: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Madrid, Spain. (held online due to COVID-19).

Kanellopoulos, I., Gutt, D., Li,, T. 2021. Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Affect Prices of Physical Products? Evidence from Trading Card Collectibles. contribution at: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Madrid, Spain. (held online due to COVID-19).

Baumann, A., Wessel, M., Gutt, D. Overcoming the Initial Review Bias in Healthcare. contribution at: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Madrid, Spain. (held online due to COVID-19).

Foerderer, J, Gutt, D. 2021. The Effects of Platform Superstars on Content Production: Evidence from Ninja. Status. at: 3rd Digital Economy Workshop (DigiEcon) @Virtual from Munich.

Tsekouras, D., Gutt, D., Heimbach, I. 2020 The Rise of Robo-Reviews – The Effects of Chatbot-mediated Review Elicitation on Review Valence. at: Code@MIT, online.

Tsekouras, D., Heimbach, I., Gutt, D. 2020 The Rise of Robo-Reviews – The Effects of Chatbot-mediated Review Elicitation on Review Valence. at: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Madrid, Spain.

Gutt, D. 2018. In the Eye of the Beholder? – Empirically Decomposing Different Economic Implications of the Online Rating Variance, contribution at: Workshop IS Design and Economic Behavior (ISDEB), Siegen, Germany.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2018. The Traveling Reviewer Problem - Exploring the Relationship Between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior, contribution at: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Rotterdam, Netherland.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2018. The Traveling Reviewer Problem - Exploring the Relationship Between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior, contribution at: Workshop IS Design and Economic Behavior (ISDEB), Lüneburg, Germany.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2017. The Traveling Reviewer Problem – Exploring the Relationship Between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior, contribution at: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, USA.

Herrmann, P., Gutt, D., Rahman, M. 2016. Crowd-Driven Competitive Intelligence: Understanding the Relationship between Local Market Structure and Online Rating Distributions, contribution at: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, USA.

Herrmann, P., Gutt, D., Rahman, M. 2016. Crowd-Driven Competitive Intelligence: Understanding the Relationship between Local Market Structure and Online Rating Distributions, contribution at: NBER Summer Institute on the Economics of Information Technology and Digitization, Cambridge, MA.

Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. 2015. Rating Aggregation in Multi-Dimensional Rating Systems: How do Reviewers Form Overall Ratings?, contribution at: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.