What is Dom-i-dans?

Dom-i-dans (Swedish: 'Dom-in-dance' or 'They-in-dance') can be described as an experimental fusion of dance, BDSM and improvisation games. Every participant may, however, decide for themselves what exactly it is: a means of communication? A genre of BDSM? A form of art?

Have you ever noticed that leading and following in dance is a kind of power exchange, not unlike the one in the Dom/sub dynamics? Do you want to meet others who like non-verbal communication, body contact and asymmetric roles? Do you usually have music on during sessions and let it lead you? Then Dom-i-dans is something for you!

We always start with an introduction, where we through various exercises and games try to create a shared dance-language. After the introduction everybody is welcome to explore the newly created language and invite others to dance/play.

Have a look at our previous events.


The answers apply to our regular events. It may happen that we organize an event with different rules.

Must I be able to dance?

No. You must dare to move and to touch your partner, nothing else.

Can I come without a partner?

Yes, of course. Most participants come single.

Is there a dresscode?

No. Put on something that makes you feel comfortable and beautiful. It is OK to be partly or fully naked. No shoes.

Will we change partners?

Yes, the introduction is to a large extent based on interacting with other people in the group in different constellations.

During the free-play part you decide yourself with whom you want to dance/play! 

What is permitted, required, forbidden?

Permitted and appreciated: dance, pleasure, happiness, action, sessions, communications, nudity.

Required: respect to others and their limits. RACK applies. The safeword is RÖTT/RED. 

As long as there is consent, there are no specific taboos, but very hardcore or dangerous sessions may be inappropriate.

What should I take with me?

Since we close our eyes often, it is good to have an eye mask. A water bottle is always good to have.

For the free-play part take what you want to use. Rope (+scissors), impact tools, roleplay costumes -- whatever. Some ropes and tools will be provided.

Will there be real dance?

Depends on what you call "real dance". We do not teach any formal dancing style, and we do not actually teach at all. We try to inspire moving, interacting and playing to the music, with the music, in the music.

That said, you are of course very welcome to "really" dance, and there is always a chance that you will find a partner who shares your dance!

What do people actually do?

It varies and depends a lot on the group. People dance, play, talk, lie down and watch what the others are doing. Many find some kind of activity they like (shibari, impact play, role play, sex) and practice it. As long as they are happy, we perceive it as a dance, too :-)