DOLAP 2021: 23rd International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data

Co-located with EDBT 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus

March 23, 2021

Call for Papers

DOLAP accepts short and long paper submissions. The page limit is 10 pages for full papers and 5 pages for short papers (in ACM format). Each submission will be reviewed by 3 members of the program committee. The best papers presented at DOLAP will be invited to a special issue of Information Systems.

Long papers include novel and mature research, industrial or survey work. Long papers of good quality but not mature enough might be accepted to the workshop as short papers. Short papers include:

  • On-going: novel research works with preliminary results.

  • Vision: position papers outlining research issues for future work.

DOLAP includes a second review round for uncertain cases where either there is no agreement among the reviewers, or they ask for a clarification prior to accept the paper.

Special Theme: Data Exploration. To promote novel solutions to tackle data management for novel decision support systems, DOLAP 2021 will devote a session to Data Exploration and their impact on novel Big Data Management and Analytics approaches. Today, there is a need to develop novel paradigms for exploratory user-data interactions that emphasise user context and interactivity with the goal of facilitating exploration, interpretation, retrieval, and assimilation of information. Various applications need an exploratory form of querying. Ranked retrieval techniques for relational databases, XML, RDF and graph databases, scientific and statistical databases, social networks and many others, is a first step in this direction. Several additional aspects for exploratory search, such as preferences, diversity, novelty, surprise and serendipity, are gaining increasing importance. From a different perspective, recommenders anticipate user needs by automatically suggesting the information, which is most appropriate to the users and their current context. Also, a new line of research is fuelled by the growth of online social interactions within social networks and Web communities. Many useful facts about entities and their relationships can be found in a multitude data sources. Therefore, novel discovery methods are required to provide expressive capabilities over big data.

Additional research topics include, but are not limited to:

Design and Language

  • Data management fundamentals: architectures, design, ETL/ELT, modeling, data integration, database design for big data, query processing, maintenance, evolution, security, personalization and privacy in decision support systems.

  • Data Variety: unstructured data (e.g., text), semi-structured data (e.g., XML), multimedia, spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal data, stream and sensor data, semantic Web & deep Web, data lakes, data spaces, data quality, graph data.


  • Coping with Volume: physical organization, performance optimization and tuning, scalability, MapReduce and Spark for data analytics, performance optimization of ETL/ELT.

  • Coping with Velocity: Deployment on parallel machine, database clusters, cloud infrastructures, smart grid, active/real-time analytics, real-time queries.

Analytical Processing and Applications

  • Analytics and Value: OLAP, data exploration through visualization, recommendation, reformulation, approximate query-answering, personalization, result presentation, data storytelling, graph analytics, process mining, advanced visualization for business contexts.

  • Analytics and Veracity: heterogeneous data integration for analytics, quality aspects of data analysis, exploration outcome and end-user experience, fairness of data analysis, analytics and data driven decision making for the data enthusiasts.

  • Integration of analytics with machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, search engines, predictive and prescriptive analytics.

  • Big Data applications: smart city, smart health, smart energy.

Submission Web site:

EDBT/ICDT Workshop papers must follow the ACM Proceedings Format slightly modified. So, please use the modified ACM LaTeX2e style files based on the EDBT/ICDT template and containing the right copyright information for DOLAP:

Long papers cannot exceed 10 pages in length and short papers cannot exceed 5 pages in length. Submissions will be accepted only through the submission site EasyChair at:

The proceedings of the workshop will be published online as a volume of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, a well-known website for publishing workshop proceedings. It is indexed by the major publication portals, such as DBLP, Citeseer and Google Scholar.

Important Dates:

Abstract submission: December 8, 2020

Paper submission: December 8, 2020

Authors notification: January 16, 2021

Revised paper submission: February 5, 2021

Revised authors notification: February 10, 2021

Camera ready: February 20, 2021

Workshop date: March 23, 2021