Dara O'Kearney
The Global Poker Award winning podcast sponsored by Unibet.
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My six (and counting) books with Barry Carter on satellites, ICM, PKOs, Mystery Bounties, GTO and exploitative poker.
You can find them where ever books are sold, please leave us a review where you bought them, it really helps.
My blog is where I share my tales from the poker circuit, David Bowie stories, online poker strategy and maybe, just maybe, the occasional ultra running anecdote.
My training site with Barry Carter where we expand on the content in our books. Join here for a free ebook and video masterclass!
I am a long time ambassador for Unibet Poker, the home of the Unibet Open and the Unibet Online Series.
We could not do the Chip Race without the dedication and sponsorship of Unibet.
My coaching
I offer coaching (enquiries to dokepokercoaching@gmail.com) although be warned that I take on less than half the players who apply (I only agree to coach someone if I think I can genuinely help them and provide value for money).