Dogyoon Song

Email: dogyoons [at] umich [dot] edu

Office: 4234B EECS, 1301 Beal Avenue

About me

I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at University of Michigan, hosted by Alfred O. Hero and Qing Qu. Recently, I received my Ph.D. in EECS from MIT, where I was very fortunate to be advised by Pablo A. Parrilo and Devavrat Shah. My thesis research was supported by a Samsung scholarship and a Siebel scholarship. Prior to MIT, I studied ECE, mathematics, and physics as an undergraduate at Seoul National University in South Korea.

My research interests span the broad field of mathematical optimization and its intersection with data science, aiming to develop efficient algorithms and theories for data-driven decision making.  I am particularly interested in geometric properties that can explain the outstanding performance of high-dimensional, overparameterized models and their inductive bias. My objective is to design efficient and reliable algorithms to construct practical and theoretically sound predictive models. Currently, my research focuses on four key topics:

CV (last updated 12/01/2023) | Google Scholar

I am on the academic job market this 2023-2024 cycle.


Paper Updates:


* Note:  (α-β) denotes alphabetical ordering of the authors by last name, and "" denotes equal contribution as co-first authors.

Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings

Preprints under Review & Manuscripts in Preparation

Ph.D. Thesis


At MIT, I was a TA for the graduate-level courses: