Dog Savvy Review: Training Small Dogs Was Never Been So EASY!

Discover the most effective ways to train your small dog with Small Dogs Training Academy. Eliminate undesired behaviors and raise an obedient pet.! Guaranteed Results. Start now! 

My 9-year-old and 14-month-old dogs have mastered the 'stay' command, preventing them from running out when I open the door. Their listening skills have significantly improved since we began training. They respond to 'sit' even when I'm not looking at them.

Charles Dickens

Dog Savvy Review: Discover Effective Dogs Behavior Secrets

Eliminating Undesired behaviors (Spoiled and untrained small dogs) with Dog Savvy small dogs training academy


Potty training small dogs can be a daunting task for any new dog owner. Small dogs are known to have small bladders, which means they need frequent potty breaks.

However, with the right approach and patience, potty training can be a breeze. One of the most important things you can do when potty training your small dog is to establish a routine.

Take your dog outside to go potty at regular intervals throughout the day, such as first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime. Another tip for successful potty training is to use positive reinforcement.

When your pet goes outside and does their business in the right spot, reward them with treats and praise.


Small dogs can be lovable creatures that bring joy to your home, but they can also be a little noisy at times. Their tiny size doesn't stop them from feeling the need to protect their territory by barking loudly at any passing person or animal.

That's where TURN OFF BARKING ALARM comes in. It's an important part of SMALL DOG TRAINING that can help you to control your dog's barking and avoid complaints from neighbors.

There are many ways you can TURN OFF BARKING ALARM, and one of the easiest ways is by giving your dog plenty of exercise. A tired dog is less likely to bark incessantly than one who has been cooped up all day.


Socialization of dogs is one of the crucial aspects of any small dog training. 

Small dogs often get scared or aggressive when they come in contact with strangers or other animals. This is why it's essential to socialize them from an early age. 

With the right approach, socializing your small dog can be an effortless process. One of the best ways to socialize your small dog is by taking them out for walks and letting them interact with other dogs on a leash. 

Start slowly and let your dog get used to being around other dogs. Reward good behavior with small dogs training treats, and don't punish them if they react negatively


Having an obedient small dog can make your life so much easier. You don't have to worry about your furry friend running away, destroying furniture, or barking incessantly. To raise an obedient pet, training is key. 

mall dog training takes patience and consistency. Start with some basic and easy to follow commands like sit, stay, down and come. 

Use positive encouragement methods like giving treats or praise to encourage for their good behavior. Small dogs training including treats is one of the great tool to encourage their positive behavior. 

Dog Savvy Reviews (Small Dog Academy)

Real Small Dog Owners Reviews about Marina and Dog Savvy

Dog owners who have used the services of Dog Savvy to train their small dogs have only great things to say about Marina and her team. They rave about how she takes the time to understand each dog's unique personality, and then tailors a training program that fits the dog's needs. Many pet owners have found that Dog Savvy has made socialization EASY, which can be challenging for small dogs due to their size. 

Some owners were skeptical about POTTY TRAINING MADE EASY being possible for their little furry friends, but they were pleasantly surprised at how quickly Dog Savvy was able to teach their small dogs where to go potty. The TURN OFF BARKING ALARM feature of Dog Savvy's training programs has also been a huge hit among pet owners. 

Owners and Trainers Often Clueless

 When It Comes to Training Small Dogs

Have you ever noticed how small dogs tend to get away with behaviors that would be completely unacceptable in larger dogs? It's a common problem that trainers and owners face. But the truth is, it's not entirely their fault. 

in terms of training small dogs. This is because methods developed for larger breeds are ineffective for smaller breads.

Small dogs have unique temperaments and personalities that require specialized training methods. Unfortunately, many trainers and owners don't take this into consideration when attempting to train their furry friends. 

One of the biggest mistakes made by trainers and owners is assuming that small dogs need less discipline than larger breeds. They think that because they're smaller, they can get away with more bad behavior without causing any harm or damage. The common issues with Dog trainers is..

Marina Somma (Small Dogs Training Academy)

Exotic Animal Trainer From Florida Reveals Simple and Easy Ways to be 100% in Control of Your Dog

Marina Somma the exotic animal trainer from Florida is behind Small Dogs Academy. She has dedicated her life to working with animals and helping pet owners train their furry friends.

Her love for small dogs started when she saw how much they needed help with training. Marina has over 10 years of experience in training exotic animals, including parrots and monkeys.

She has also worked with larger dogs and knows a thing or two about training them too! Marina understands the unique needs of small dogs and how they require different methods than their larger counterparts.

Her mission is to help small dog owners eliminate undesired behaviors that can often cause frustration for both the owner and the pet. With her expert guidance, she believes that anyone can learn how to train their small dog.

One of the things that sets Marina apart from other trainers is her emphasis on positive reinforcement training methods. She believes that by rewarding good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior, you can create a stronger bond between you and your pet while also making training sessions more enjoyable for everyone involved.

So whether you're struggling with potty training your new puppy or trying to turn off their barking alarm, Marina has the skills and expertise necessary to help you achieve your goals. With Small Dogs Academy, raising an obedient pet has never been so easy!

Eliminate The Behavioral Problem 

Fixing Dog Behavioral Problems (3 Golden Rules)

The three golden rules of fixing dog behavioral problems are simple and easy to implement. 

First, always be consistent in your training efforts.This means using the same commands and techniques every time you work with your dog. It's also important to stick to a schedule for training sessions and reinforce positive behavior consistently.

Second, use positive reinforcement to motivate your dog. Small dogs training treats can be a great way to reward good behavior, as can verbal praise and affectionate attention from their owner.

Third, make sure you are meeting your dog's basic needs for exercise, socialization, and mental stimulation. Small dogs need regular exercise just like larger breeds, so consider agility training for small dogs near you or playing in the park regularly.

EASY SOCIALIZATION is key too - expose them to new stimuli as much as possible during puppyhood so they learn how to behave around other dogs and people. 

Dog Savvy - Small Dog Training Now Made Easy*

Secrets Of A Well Behaved Little Dogs 

When it comes to training small dogs, many owners struggle with where to start. That's why Marina Somma, an exotic animal trainer from Florida, developed Dog Savvy - Small Dog Training Made Easy. With her years of experience working with all types of animals, including small dogs, she has discovered the most effective ways to eliminate undesired behaviors and raise an obedient pet. 

One of the biggest problems that small dog owners generally face is their excessive barking. Marina Somma has developed strategies to help TURN OFF BARKING ALARM and teach small dogs when it's appropriate to bark and when it's not. 

She also emphasizes the importance of easy SOCIALIZATION for small dogs, which can often be afraid or timid around other dogs or people. POTTY TRAINING MADE EASY is another area that many small dog owners struggle with. 

Marina recommends starting the process early and providing plenty of positive reinforcement through SMALL DOG TRAINING TREATS or praise for successful attempts. Additionally, practicing consistency in schedule and routine can make a huge difference in the success of potty training small dogs. 

Here's What You Get (Dog Savvy)

Once you sign up for Small Dogs Academy, you'll get access to a wealth of resources that will help you train your furry friend. 

One of the first things you'll receive is our comprehensive guide to potty training small dogs, which includes step-by-step instructions and helpful tips to make the process as easy as possible. We understand that potty training can be stressful, but with our guidance, your little one will be fully trained in no time.

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