Our methods

It's imperative to us that we are transparent about our method of training!

Utilizing the Mini Educator by E-collar Technologies, it is compared to a mobile tens unit! This is something that chiropractors use in muscle therapy so it is only flexing their muscles. 

There is NO electricity being transmitted from the collar to your dog. 

We use this E-Collar to redirect your dogs attention and as a LEARNING tool, NOT a corrective tool. 

There is proper conditioning to this collar and we take you step by step on how to appropriately use it. Like any training tool, there is a "wrong way" to use this collar and it is important to us that you use it properly.

This collar is included in all of our programs and is yours to keep and continue to use to keep up with your dogs training.

How do we use this collar?

We teach your dog that the stimulation from the collar means something.

We ask them to do something and ONLY if they do not respond, do we then use the collar appropriately until your dog responds, and the stimulation goes away - So we reward / pay them!

This teaches them their vocabulary and holds them accountable.

The end result is your dog hearing you say one of the commands that they have learned, and they do it THE FIRST TIME. If by chance your dog decides not to listen (Which is normal, they are not a robot, they have their own brain) then we feather in our stimulation until we have their attention back on us rather than whatever is distracting them!

We want this tool to be a sign of FUN for your dog, it is NEVER used as a punishment. Any unwanted behaviors are corrected in a positive way by asking them to do something other than what the unwanted behavior is.

You are educated on what this means and what to do once you have gone through proper training.

Do we have to use this collar forever?

There will come a time that eventually you may not have to use it in and around the home BUT, you must put in the work that it takes to get your dog to that level!

Whether you do lessons or a board and train, there is still work to be done on your end!

Keeping up with everything that you and your dog learns is vital to not only your dogs mental and physical health but also to be able to maintain all of that hard work!

Typically, 3-6 months after training is "complete", and you have had the collar on EVERY DAY, you will find that your dog is listening just the way you want in and around the home, however, any time you take your dog somewhere you will have that collar on because you cannot control your environment but you can control your dog, no matter the situation and ultimately keeping your dog SAFE.

Think of a seat belt, you wear it just in case.

Please call us so we can better explain how this will work for you and your lifestyle.

Do we use it too?


Let me tell you why!

This tool takes all the hard work out of communicating with your dog.

I can have a whole conversation, walking with friends and still enjoy my dogs company because I am wirelessly communicating with my dog as needed.

If I am ever in a tight spot, (literally) I know that all I have to do is press a button to get my dogs attention.

If by chance and off leash dog decides to rush up to us, I can trust that my dog will hold a "sit" or "down" and I can walk away to go handle that off leash dog.

God forbid my dog takes an opportunity out the front door, I know that I have a safety net with this collar.

I have a bad back, and pulling on a leash is just not condusive for my health. This remote+collar takes all the physical work out of handling my dogs.

OH! AND, if the little ones want to take the dogs for a walk, all I have to do is press a button and they heel perfectly with the person that asked them to heel.

Lets be realistic here.

This tool holds not only your dog accountable but it holds you accountable as well because you have to keep up with training, it ultimately makes the experience a breeze.


No matter what type of training tool you choose to use, you will have to use it for the rest of your dogs life!