Interesting Fun Facts About Labrador Retriever Puppies

When it comes to some of the most hot-favorite breeds of puppies preferred as pets, Labrador Retrievers always occupy an important rank.

Owing to their friendly nature, playful tactics, and adorable “puppy-eyes”, Labradors are highly preferred pets across the world. Coming from a lineage of hunting and sports dogs Labrador Retrievers are known for their knack for physical activities and unconditional loyalty towards their owners.

If you are willing to bring this furry friend home and are looking for Labrador puppies for sale, it is important to be well-versed with this breed of goofy and playful dogs.

Here are some of the fun facts about Labrador Retrievers that you might not have known and should consider knowing before you bring the new guest home:

They Are In Love With Water

While many of you might think dogs hate going into the water and getting themselves wet, it is important to know that Labradors are immensely in love with water.

If you are taking your Lab to a beach, that is bound to be the best day of their life! Labradors love spending time in water and swimming for hours. This is also because they are built in a specific way. Labradors have a thick tail commonly known as the “otter tail” that they use as a rudder while swimming.

Their webbed feet help them swim fast and efficiently in water. Also, Labrador Retrievers have waterproof coats that keep them safe and free from getting messed up in cold water, too.

So, if you are considering bringing a Labrador home, be prepared to have some of the best moments with your buddy at the beach!

Labradors Were Bred For The Purpose Of Hunting

Although a lot of Labrador Retrievers today are goofy and playful dogs wagging their tails while following you around, they were originally bred specially for hunting purposes.

Initially starting out as duck retrievers (hence the name) descended from St. John’s Water Dog, Labradors were brought back to England in the 1800s and bred as game-hunting companions. Their sharp intelligence and high agility made them great hunting dogs.

Although the use of Labradors for hunting has significantly reduced over time, some of these dogs are still used for hunting games and waterfowl hunting.

There Is Hardly Anything A Lab Cannot Do!

Labrador Retrievers are the all-rounders of dogs. They are very multi-talented and can be trained to perform a variety of activities with ease and precision.

Labrador Retrievers make great service dogs, hunting partners, exercise buddies, and therapy dogs when you are going through a rough time of your life. Moreover, they are used by police as search and rescue dogs and for bomb and drug detection, too.

The key reasons behind this versatility of Labradors are their high motivation for learning, willingness to work hard, and the innate need to please everybody.

They Cannot Do Without A Daily Dose Of Exercise

If you are planning to purchase a Labrador Retriever puppy, always keep in mind that they need their daily dose of physical activity for functioning normally.

Labradors were bred and extensive made to run, swim, and work for hours. This had developed a need for a fixed amount of physical exercise (at least one long walk) on a daily basis. They are not the kind of dogs that prefer sitting idle in a corner throughout the day. Their body needs to engage in physical activities every day.

In fact, if you tend to keep them away from physical activities by force and keep them inactive all day, they might lose their natural calm and take on an unnaturally destructive behavior which might not go down well with you.

Led Zeppelin Named A Song After A Labrador!

One of the most amazing Labrador facts is that a Labrador was the reason behind the nomenclature of the Led Zeppelin song, “Black Dog.”

While the lyrics of the song have no mention of a dog, the song was named so because a black Labrador was wandering around the Headly Grange Studio while the song was being recorded for the album Led Zeppelin IV.

A Labrador Has Gone To Jail

It might come off as quite a shocker but every playful and immensely loyal breed of dogs had once been sent to prison! The reason is as bizarre as the fact!

In 1924, a black Labrador Retriever was given a life sentence without parole for killing a cat that belonged to the wife of Pennsylvania’s Governor, Gifford Pinchot. The dog was sent to the Eastern State Penitentiary on August 12, 1924, and stayed in the prison for 10 whole years.

Interestingly, the dog befriended the warden while serving its time in prison.

They Are The Most Commonly-used Breed As Guide Dogs

Labradors have succeeded German Shepherds as the most commonly-used guide dogs. According to the Guide Dogs of America, 70% of the guide dogs used by them are Labradors.

The reason why Labs are used as guide dogs is mainly that they love pleasing and helping people. If they are adequately trained for the job and see people in need, they would immediately want to be of some help to them and assist them in the best way possible.

Labradors Can Sniff Out Cancer

It is a proven fact that Labrador Retrievers have been trained for sniffing out the early cages of cancer with the help of their powerful noses. Medical experts have trained Labs in sniffing out the disease by the means of cancer cell samples.

They can diagnose whether a patient is in an early stage of cancer by sniffing blood, stool, or breath of the patient.

There is no end to interesting facts about Labradors. They are definitely some of the most dynamic, intelligent, strong, playful, and beautiful-looking pets you can have for you and your family.

Whether you are looking for a companion to exercise with, a friend to comfort you during the tough times, or a playful friend for your kids, Labradors play every role to perfection!