[Automatic Dog Treat catapult]

ECE 153B Final Project

Project overview

For this project, I plan to create a dog treat catapult that can be manually controlled or automated (provided that my dog is well behaved). Manual control is available either through a Wii Nunchuck connected to the catapult, or through a Termite terminal connected via Bluetooth. An ultrasonic sensor at the front of the catapult detects when the dog approaches, and launches a treat when she's within a set distance. This function can also be toggled on and off via the Nunchuck or Termite terminal. Two servo motors are used in the firing of the catapult. One motor, positioned behind the arm, will hold the arm in place, and rotate out of the way to release the arm. The second motor, positioned toward the front of the assembly, will rotate to tension the spring attached to the arm. The catapult will be able to automatically fire and reset the firing mechanism.

Video presentation

Block Diagram

  • The Wii Nunchuck operates on the I2C protocol and can fire the catapult, as well as toggle the automatic firing function.

  • The HC-05 Bluetooth module enables control of the system via a Termite terminal, and operates on the UART protocol. It offers the same controls as the Nunchuk, and provides status information.

  • The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor detects if there is an object within range to fire the launcher.

  • The status LEDs provide information about the current state of the launcher, including whether the launcher is ready to fire, and if the automatic launching function is enabled.

  • The firing control servo holds or releases the arm.

  • The spring tension servo pulls the spring (and arm) forward to build potential energy before firing.

Team Members


95 pounds, but thinks she's a chihuahua

Matthew Wong

Due to the significant difficulties of remote collaboration on a project of this nature, I will be working by myself (with some help from Dash & Luna).


Small, and scared of everything