Indeed, many of the smartest dogs as ranked by Coren are high-energy working, herding and hunting breeds that need a lot of socialization, exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and out of trouble.

Like most herding breeds, Shelties are athletic and energetic, but not as highly strung as border collies or German shepherds. They need a moderate amount of exercise and mental stimulation that can be satisfied with daily walks, although they also do great at dog sports.

Dog Breeds Video Download


The diaspora of the modern cat was traced with microsatellite markers from the presumed site of domestication to distant regions of the world. Genetic data were derived from over 1100 individuals, representing 17 random-bred populations from five continents and 22 breeds. The Mediterranean was reconfirmed to be the probable site of domestication. Genetic diversity has remained broad throughout the world, with distinct genetic clustering in the Mediterranean basin, Europe/America, Asia and Africa. However, Asian cats appeared to have separated early and expanded in relative isolation. Most breeds were derived from indigenous cats of their purported regions of origin. However, the Persian and Japanese bobtail were more aligned with European/American than with Mediterranean basin or Asian clusters. Three recently derived breeds were not distinct from their parental breeds of origin. Pure breeding was associated with a loss of genetic diversity; however, this loss did not correlate with breed popularity or age.

A mutation in the canine multidrug resistance gene, MDR1, has previously been associated with drug sensitivities in two breeds from the collie lineage. We exploited breed phylogeny and reports of drug sensitivity to survey other purebred populations that might be genetically at risk. We found that the same allele, mdr1-1Delta, segregated in seven additional breeds, including two sighthounds that were not expected to share collie ancestry. A mutant haplotype that was conserved among affected breeds indicated that the allele was identical by descent. Based on breed histories and the extent of linkage disequilibrium, we conclude that all dogs carrying mdr1-1Delta are descendants of a dog that lived in Great Britain before the genetic isolation of breeds by registry (ca. 1873). The breed distribution and frequency of mdr1-1Delta have applications in veterinary medicine and selective breeding, whereas the allele's history recounts the emergence of formally recognized breeds from an admixed population of working sheepdogs.

This section provides a web based overview of various normal dogs from a variety of dog breeds. Almost all 71 dog breeds currently represented have at least 3 representative dogs of the same breed. You can click on the individual images to zoom in from the case number home page. There will be extra thoracic abnormalities; however, the cases were deemed to be normal inside the thorax. In some older dogs, intrathoracic geriatric changes (unstructured interstitial pattern or airway mineralization).

*Note: dogs of any breed can have congenital deafness, from avarietyof causes. Breeds with white pigmentation are most affected. There areabout 340 dog breeds recognized internationally by the FederationCynologique 

Internationale (FCI), the world governing body of dog breeds, but thestandards for breed recognition vary from country to country. Forexample, the American Kennel Club currently only recognizes about halfof them, about 187 breeds.

As the world's largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, TICA currently recognizes 73 breeds of cats for championship competition. In addition, the number of breeds can change as new breeds are developed.

The second level of the Championship Advancement Class Program. These breeds are eligible to be shown in TICA sanctioned shows but do not earn titles or points towards Annual Awards and must follow specific rules to be eligible for championship status.

The beginning level of the Championship Advancement Class Program. These breeds are eligible to be shown in TICA sanctioned shows but do not earn titles or points towards Annual Awards and must follow specific rules to be eligible for the next step in achieving championship status.

Lack of inheritance (perhaps as sub-breeds) is a serious limitation of NetLogo, although in the end it has only occasionally mattered to me. There are a couple possible work-arounds, depending on the application.

If you just want some different data attributes, and the related types are the only turtles in the simulation, you can have turtles-own the common characteristics and have breeds-own only the type specific characteristics.

If the data attributes are all shared but the behavior differs, you can create your own agentsets (in your case, subsets of people) and call different procedures on each agent set (or write procedures that branch on a member? test). Unfortunately, these agentsets will have to be explicitly augmented if any new members are created, so you lose that nice "special agentset" feature of breeds.

Basset Hounds, Chinese Shar Peis and Labradoodles top the list when it comes to the dog breeds most prone to ear infections. New research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) aims to help owners better spot the signs and respond to the suffering from ear problems in dogs by revealing the true extent of the condition in the UK, as well as which breeds and ear-types are most prone to this painful disorder.

Certain breeds were revealed as particularly prone to ear infection. The top five worst affected breeds include Basset Hound, Chinese Shar Pei, Labradoodle, Beagle and Golden Retriever. Poodle and spaniel types of dogs overall were at greater risk of ear infection. Dogs with long and hanging ear flaps had a much higher risk of ear infection compared with dogs with pointy ears. Smaller sized breeds, weighing under 10kg, had a lower risk of ear infection than larger breeds.

This information offers a new confidence to dogs and their owners in helping to detect whether their furry companions are suffering from ear infection. Making owners more aware of how frequent these infections can arise will help them to take more preventative action including gentle ear cleaning with a dry paper cloth, careful use of ear cleaners with antimicrobial properties and avoidance of overzealous ear-cleaning or ear-plucking. This is especially important for those dog breeds identified at high-risk of ear infection in this study.

Objective measurements have determined that 50% of pugs and French bulldogs and 45% of bulldogs have clinically significant signs of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS). The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association notes that upper respiratory disorders were the cause of death for 17% of dogs with extreme brachycephalic conformation (like pugs, bulldogs and French bulldogs) compared to 0% for all other breeds of dogs. The lifespan of dogs with extreme brachycephalic conformation is shorter (8.6 years) than all other breeds of dogs (12.7 years).

To give these dogs the chance they deserve, it is important that if you're thinking about getting a dog you consider the lesser known breeds. There are over 200 breeds of dog recognised in the UK so there is a breed for everyone. We find that people tend to choose a breed from the pool of breeds they have heard of before, which means that the perfect breed for them and their lifestyle might be overlooked.

In order to protect those breeds of British and Irish origin that are considered at risk of disappearing, we created the vulnerable native British and Irish breeds list (breeds with fewer than 300 registrations a year) and the 'at watch' list (breeds with between 300 and 450 registrations a year) so that we can monitor them. A list of those breeds identified is below:

Heritage breeds developed over generations and reflect the rich history of livestock. Heritage breeds were bred to keep traits that helped them to adapt to their environment, farming practices, and purpose. Some heritage breeds are currently threatened and facing extinction.

Heritage livestock breeds are a critical aspect of our cultural heritage. Traditional farming communities have strong connections with their livestock that play an important role in customs, festivals, and traditional ways of life. Knowledge and skill are required to keep them. Preserving these breeds supports the traditional way of life that has sustained our rural communities for centuries.

The colors correspond to predicted genetic clusters; Western Europe (red), Mediterranean basin (blue), Asia/Southeast Asia (green), and East Africa (yellow). Each column represents an individual cat. The Y-axis represents the proportion of interactions that an individual is assigned to the given cluster. a, The first three basal separations of random bred cats and wildcats. b, (Top) The first basal separation of all populations (K=2). Asian breeds, the Sokoke, and Asian random bred populations (green) are clearly distinguished from all other cats. (Bottom) Analysis of all populations (K=3). African/Mediterranean/Asian cats (red) separate from Southeast Asian (green) and European (blue) populations. c, Twenty-two cat breeds (K=20). Havana Browns and Siamese, and Persians and Exotics, Burmese and Singapura are not genetically differentiated. Burmese appear to share origins with Siamese and Korat. Korats and Birmans also appear to be strongly related. Persians and Siberians show within breed heterogeneity.

The phylogenetic tree was constructed using Cavalli-Sforza's chord distance. Bootstrap values above 50% are presented on relationship nodes. Asian (green), Western European (red), East African (purple), Mediterranean basin (blue) and wildcat (black) populations form strongly supported monophyletic branches. European and African wildcats are closely related whereas short branches of most all other populations indicate close relationships of these breeds and populations. Random bred populations are indicated in italics, breeds are in standard font. e24fc04721

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