Does Nutrisystem Work

Whatever way you look at the mechanics behind losing weight, the basics of calories in versus calories out underpins the process.

Does Nutrisystem work for dieters looking for shortcuts and easy solutions?

This is a question that I'm sure a lot of would-be new customers have on their minds. The answer will determine whether those still on the fence are willing to go for it or shy away from it.

Let's look at this question in some more detail and decide if the diet works and how to make use of it to get the best from it.

Nutrisystem Works

Basically, Nutrisystem is actually effective if you don't cheat. Nutrisystem eliminates the guesswork from meal planning but emphasizes buying packaged food.

This plan has both benefits and downsides, including the current discount coupons on offer (

All the work is done for you.

You don't have to worry about calories, menu planning, or worrying about what you eat every day. It's very appealing to not have to analyze, count, measure, cook or calculate.

Some people, such as professionals and busy moms, might appreciate having pre-packaged food to take care of. You can also add fresh, healthy foods to the pre-packaged meals.

You can increase the amount of nutrients and fiber in your diet by eating more fruits and vegetables. There are some health risks associated with eating fruits and vegetables, but not necessarily the negatives.

Although Nutrisystem's menu options sound great, not everyone will enjoy them. Whole, fresh foods are generally better than food that comes in a plastic wrap or paper box.

This type of diet plan may teach you some healthy eating habits, but it doesn't force you to be responsible for your own actions.

Keep in mind that these are lower-calorie versions and not pre-packaged meals.

While you may lose weight quickly, the long-term effects of this diet are not likely to be sustained.

While Nutrisystem can be used as a quick way to lose weight, it is not a replacement for a healthy long-term diet.

You will eventually need to learn more about nutrition and make healthy decisions as well as the realization that Nutrisystem works: (

What is Nutrisystem?

Nutrisystem is a commercial weight loss program that includes pre-packaged, home delivered meals and snacks as well as some produce you can buy in the local grocery store.

You can outsource your meal-management tasks and you won't need to worry about meal timing, portion control, or meal prep. However, you might get tired of small portions and heat-and-eat meals.

Nutrisystem claims that you can lose as much as 13 pounds and 7 inches in the first month. This is not surprising considering the program guarantees calorie restriction, a tried-and-true method for weight loss.

The glycemic indicator, which measures how different carbs impact your blood sugar, is also a part of Nutrisystem. The high-protein program emphasizes good carbs like vegetables and whole grains that are slow digested.

This keeps you fuller for longer, and prevents your blood sugar from spiking. Nutrisystem offers a Buy One, Get One Special.

There are different tracks that cater to different genders, such as vegetarians, adults and diabetics. You'll be eating five to six times per day depending on the plan. You can customize the program to meet your sodium needs (around 1,500 mg/day).

You must sign up for the Nutrisystem Diet program and choose your meals and snacks from a list (turkey pot pie melt, mushroom risotto). Wait for your food and snacks to arrive. If you are on the Uniquely Yours Program, wait for your meals and snacks to arrive.

Your first week is designed to help you lose weight. This week will include seven Nutrisystem meals, dinners, and breakfasts. There will also be seven snacks between meals that can curb cravings and keep you full. Seven protein-packed, probiotic-rich shakes will be available.

How Nutrisystem Works

While Nutrisystem's approach to weight loss has changed over time, they still believe that it is easier to lose weight when you don’t have the need for:

  • Cooking

  • Counting points

  • Spending a lot of time preparing, portioning and preparing meals

Nutrisystem's monthly delivery of nutritious, pre-portioned meals to your home is the foundation of their program. These chef-prepared meals are high in protein, fiber, low-glycemic carbs (good), and low in saturated fats and bad carbs.

Nutrisystem offers plans for men and women, as well as plans that cater to vegetarians and diabetics. These plans are very similar but you will pay more for more variety and optional frozen foods.

Research has shown that a quick weight loss can be highly motivating and will increase the likelihood of long-term success. All plans start with the Fresh Start program in the first week.

There is the Body Reboot Week, which is like a wake-up call for your body. Because of the program's nutritional balance, and severe calorie restriction, you will be able to shift from burning carbs to using fat as fuel.

You will also be able to stop reverting to unhealthy eating patterns and cravings. You'll be able to choose from a wider range of menu options after the first week of Fresh Start.

The program includes a Nutrisystem breakfast and lunch, dinner, and snack. Flex meals are also included in your weekly menu. These can be prepared by you or taken out.

Research shows that people who track their meals are twice as likely lose weight.

You can do this on the Numi app. Nutrisystem recommends that you drink 64 oz. You should also drink at least 64 ounces of water each day.

The Cost of Nutrisystem

When considering any diet, price is a major consideration. It is important to consider whether the time and money spent on a weight loss plan is worth it.

Nutrisystem may seem expensive, but it isn't a large extra cost as Nutrisystem will replace most of your meals and groceries.

Nutrisystem will dramatically reduce the time spent planning and preparing meals. Nutrisystem's pre-portioned meals are more cost-effective and efficient than traditional cooking.

Did you try other diets but have failed? You might need more structure in your diet. You'll lose weight if you stick to the Nutrisystem and avoid cheating.

Many users are satisfied with their weight loss and feel it was worth the effort and money. Nutrisystem's cost is much lower than other meal delivery programs.

Being overweight is expensive. Obesity can lead to additional health issues, missed work opportunities, and expensive food purchases.

Being healthy will help you save money.

It can be expensive to go on a diet or lose weight. But, it is an investment in your own health. Nutrisystem basically tells you what to eat and when. You might not like the structure of Nutrisystem.


Whether you like the diet's structure, the food itself, the smaller than average meals or the fact that the meals are pre-made and ready to go, or not, this diet certainly works for the vast majority of dieters.

As long as you accept that the food will never be as good as what your granny makes in her own kitchen, and that there has to be some compromise with quality to get the advantages of convenience and time saving, then this is a diet program that can really help you to lose weight.

Your job is to stick to the diet and eat what they tell you and when. Do that and you will see success, joining the many thousands of successful dieters that lost weight thanks to Nutrisystem and its well-designed and effective diet program!