I have team members that frequently join/start the MS teams meeting link early (about 15 minutes before actual meeting start time) and I receive a notification that someone has started the meeting. I typically ignore this notification when this early since I have other things to work on, but sometimes miss the meeting start time since the meeting notification came in so much earlier. Is there a way to configure notifications for "someone started meeting" AND "meeting start time"?

In SharePoint online, you can configure alerts to notify when a document is created, modified, or deleted in a document library or in a folder. And you can also configure to be notified when a specific document has been modified.

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The customization page lets you choose your communications alerts in pinned and shown channels. You can have Teams notify you of all new posts in a specific channel or whenever a channel is mentioned.

- Another example would be when planing a crucial meeting with a customer. Early morning the whole team is setting up everything but, an hour before, the client cancels the appointment by email (sent to only one manager). If the manager does not check his/her emails early enough the complete squad is rushing and stressing about a meeting that will not happen anyway.

When you choose to only notify requested team members, you disable sending notifications to the entire team when the team is requested to review a pull request if a specific member of that team is also requested for review. This is especially useful when a repository is configured with teams as code owners, but contributors to the repository often know a specific individual that would be the correct reviewer for their pull request. For more information, see "About code owners."

If you want to receive desktop and activity notifications about all activity, including new messages, reactions, and @mentions in your teams and channels, select All Activity. To be notified only when you are @mentioned or receive replies to your messages in channels, select Mentions & replies.

Envoy makes it easy to automatically notify your employees when visitors sign in or when they receive a delivery. These convenient alerts save your reception team time and keep your employees updated. Envoy allows you to be able to notify your front desk administrator that the employee is on their way to receive the visitor using the buttons on the Teams notification they receive, and employees can automatically receive notifications of deliveries via Teams if you utilize the Envoy deliveries product.

You can now use Microsoft Teams to notify repeat visitors when a visitor has arrived and selected them as their host. To use Microsoft Teams host notifications you need to have a Sign In App repeat visitor group synced with Azure AD, click here to read about how to set that up.

A parent does not have to participate in the absence intervention team in person if they are unable to do so. Absence intervention teams can consider alternatives for including parents, such as conference calls or video conferencing.

Thank you for your reply, Daniel. Notifications are being spoken on the locked screen but I am not getting the sound alert for them. Like for the What app. I have set notifications to Sounds and Badges. I am not getting the sound alert, by all means with this setting, I will not get the notification on my locked screen which is the way I want it. The setting you speak about is the setting to speak or not to speak the notifications on the locked screen and does not help in my situation. That said, I am working with apple support to get this addressed. Right now my phone is in a mess, an enterprise app. I rely on heavily is not allowing me to sign in and keeps crashing/ closing when I am trying to enter my credentials. The challenge with the sound alert is also not solved. They had asked me to take a backup and restore all settings to default, did not help instead got me into more mess!

I'm having this problem but having it with iMessage itself. It doesn't seem to matter what I do in settings, whether my phone is on vibrate only or full sounds, I'm not getting any notifications for messages most of the time. Once in a great while I'll hear the ping but it's inconsistent. And the haptics are broken big time, which really sucks since I rely heavily on them. I've played in settings, restarted my phone multiple times, everything I can think of and no dice. This is 14 Pro Max with iOS 17.0.3 and these problems really got bad when I updated to the latest version. So yeah, it's not a third party app problem.

Running into an issue trying to get notifications to work from Director in MS Teams. I am using the scripts created by @unic NeverUsedID/icinga2-msteams: Icinga2 notifications for MS teams (github.com) and when I run the script from the terminal using my channels webbook with the -p switch I get the expected results and a blank post to the channel.

Business scenario: Our CRM system is hosted in HubSpot, with contacts being added automatically when any kind of form is submitted on our website. We receive an email in the shared inbox whenever a new contact is added. Now I would like to get a notification about this in Microsoft Teams, (our Marketing Channel to be specific). This will help me to notify the whole marketing team of the new contact in our database and allow for someone to follow this up. One of the team members can allocate this contact to the appropriate marketing list depending on the request. Now the whole team is aware of any new contacts being added to our database, with the process becoming much easier to coordinate. e24fc04721

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