Teacher/Adult Roles

Duke of Edinburgh Teacher/Adult Roles:

The doe team

Mr. Bill Skulmoski

  • Award Coordinator

Ms. Shantelle Kotowich

  • Logistics and Planning

  • Award Leader for Gold

  • Section Activity Assessor

  • Supervisor

  • Instructor

Mr. Austin Emerson

  • Gear Master

  • Award Leader for Silver

  • Assessor for Bronze Adventurous Journeys

  • Section Activity Assessor

  • Supervisor

  • Instructor

Ms. Ema Alatini

  • Award Leader for Bronze

  • Assessor for Silver and Gold Adventurous Journeys

  • Section Activity Assessor

  • Supervisor

  • Instructor

Mr. Scott Bycroft

  • Award Leader for Bronze

  • Section Activity Assessor

  • Supervisor

  • Instructor

The DOE Team oversees all sections of the Award for their participants, coach them through the Adventurous Journey, instruct them in things like camp craft, navigation, and first aid, etc. They are responsible for risk assessment and student safety. They coordinate with the Award foundation, school, parents, and other teachers. They ensure that the requirements of the DOE program have been met.

DOE Section Activity Assessors

Any adult (not a family member) who supervises an activity which can be counted for a Section of the Award. (i.e sports coach, piano teacher)

  • Agrees to be an assessor after discussion with prospective participant

  • Helps the candidate to enhance their skills in that particular area

  • Meets with the candidate to get updates on their progress in that activity

  • Checks that they are on track with their logs for that activity

  • Completes Assessor Reports for the participant.

** This is essentially the same role as a CAS supervisor. You may be both the CAS supervisor and DOE Assessor for a single activity and participant.

How to complete an Assessor Report:

  • You will receive an email from the ORB (Online Record Book) on behalf of the student asking you to complete an assessment

  • click on the link to see their stated goal (at the top) and scroll through their logs and evidence

  • If you are satisfied that the student has done the activity and that they have made progress toward/met their goal:

      1. write a comment or two on their efforts

      2. for ‘My Qualification’ you can write ‘Activity Assessor’

      3. for ‘My Experience’ you can write pretty much anything (i.e. piano teacher, 2 years DOE assessor, etc.)

      4. if you prefer not to enter your own phone number, you may enter the school's phone number (03-3704-2661)

      5. check the box that certifies the student has completed the activity.

      6. Submit

  • If you are not convinced that the student has properly completed the activity, please write to the student, cc’ing their Award Leader (Bill, Shantelle, Austin, Ema, or Scott)

We are always looking for keen teachers who would like to come on Adventurous Journeys with us! Please speak to Shantelle if you would like to come trekking.

DOE Practice Journey to Takao 2020