
The doctoral workshop will take place on December 6th, 2023 in Namur.

9.00-  9.25

Welcome coffee


9.25 - 11.25

Session 1A: Health


Chair: François Maniquet

Equity in the Health Services Expenditure and Consumption in Benin

Cossi Xavier Agbeto (UCLouvain)


Immigration and healthcare disparities in prescription drugs for cardiovascular risk factors

Luigi Boggian (UCLouvain)


Social security and inequality in Belgium

Giulia Klinges (ULiège)

Session 1B: Industrial organisation


Chair: Eric Toulemonde

Competition in peer-to-peer markets

Giorgio Ferroni (UNamur)


Big Tech Acquisitions and the Direction of Innovation

Laureen de Barsy (HEC Liège)


Defining Digital Platforms: A Systematic Literature Review

Ilyass Zeamari (USL)

11.25 - 11.40

Coffee break


11.40 - 13.00

Session 2A: Labour I


Chair: François Woitrin


The making of new employers: The supporting effect and the compositional effect of hiring subsidies

Haotian Deng (UGent)


In-work benefits in Belgium: analyzing the introduction and expansion of social work bonus

Tiziano Toniolo (UCLouvain)

Session 2B: Finance / macroeconomics


Chair: Yuliya Rychalovska


Green ETFs attributes and investor behaviour

Rim Laksaci (UCLouvain)


Bond yields and risk premia in a structural model

Pavel Tretiakov (UCLouvain)

13.00 - 14.00

Lunch break


14.00 - 15.20

Session 3A: Development I


Chair: Catherine Guirkinger

Mobile money and intra-household dynamics

Anna Jolivet (UNamur)


Cooperation among co-wives in polygamous households. Evidence from North Benin

Doux Baraka (UNamur)

Session 3B: International economics


Chair: Lorenzo Trimarchi


European regional trade intensity and Business cycles synchronisation

Charles de Pierpont de Burnot (UCLouvain)


Targeting the Corps: The Incidence of Humanitarian Sanctions on Firm Performance in China

Kampui Tsang (UCLouvain)

15.20 – 15.35

Coffee break


15.35 – 17.35 

Session 4A: Development II


Chair: Jean-Marie Baland

Soldiers vs forced laborers

Marion Richard (UCLouvain) 


Understanding Rural Worker's Behavior towards Female Pineapple Producers

Angela Lülle (UNamur)

Measuring Norms and Enumerator Effects: Survey Method Matters

Pablo Álvarez-Aragon (UNamur)

Session 4B: Labour II


Chair: Silvia Peracchi


Tightening Youth Unemployment Benefit Eligibility: Impact on Housing Autonomy

Mathilde Pourtois (USL)


Survival and employment in workers owned and shareholders owned enterprises

Esmeralda Gerritse (UCLouvain)


Decomposing the gap in the take-up of the (equivalent) social integration income between natives and immigrants

Manon Bolland (ULiège)

Cheese and wine
