Master project and/or thesis supervision
I am very happy to talk with prospective MS students at the University of Vienna about completing an MS project or thesis with me. If you are looking for supervision or project ideas, please don't be shy to e-mail me to set-up a meeting.
Keen to develop your independence in a supportive environment?
I am always open to supporting doctoral and postdoctoral fellowship applications with a priority on supportive mentorship and inclusion. Please contact me to discuss opportunities to conduct more independent research in my group. I am especially excited to support Marie-Curie Fellowship applications to join my group in Vienna. The University of Vienna offers incredible support for Marie-Curie applications, an attractive salary bonus, and an additional third year of funding for excellent candidates. I can also help you prepare a FWF ESPRIT grant conduct independent research in my group as a postdoctoral researcher. Reach out for more information.