Reunion Chairs: Russ and Eunice Brabec


Eunice, Russ, Wilma, Ken and Kay made all of the preliminary arrangements for registration, book sales and genealogy reviews. Some members arrived later in the day for early registration. The "heat" was the main topic of all who gathered.

Doan(e)s doing family research

Reunion Chair Eunice Brabec tries out the very latest style at the "Doane College Store", operated by Janet Jeffries and Janis Mitchel. Debbie Doane advises on the fashions.


Registration picked up today. Dormitory rooms were separated for men and women because of the bathroom situation. Don't think this caused any divorces!! Janet Jeffries and Janis Mitchell opened the Doane College Store and started a fast and furious selling spree.

The segregated dormitory!

Doanes enjoying Pacific Fusions - one of the many choices in the cafeteria

Attendees ""OOHED and AAHED"" over the quality and selection of food at the UC Davis cafeteria. No one would go hungry this week!! The board held their first session from 4 PM to 5:30 PM We all got together in the evening for introductions and renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Russ Brabec gave a presentation on John Sutter and Gold Rush Days. Eunice filled everyone in on the week forthcoming and the "heat " still lead the discussion.

Doan(e)'s gather for presentation

The first General Session was held in the afternoon, opened by welcoming remarks from President Dick Doane (AZ). He introduced UC Davis Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef, who welcomed our Association to their campus. Dick then introduced the Officers and Regional Vice Presidents. President Doane then introduced Doane College President Jonathan Brand who talked about changes coming about on the campus now and in the future. Mr. Brand was inaugurated as the 11th President of Doane College in May 2006. Jonathan then presented the Doane Family Foundation report, having been elected to the Foundation board earlier in the day. He also presented a scholarship check to Paul Doane, a DFA member from Northern California working on his doctorate degree. Dr. Brand then gave the members a formal invitation to return to Doane College for the 2010 Reunion.

In the evening, Betty Goodrich (MN) presented a paper on Charles A. Doane who was sheriff of San Francisco and a member of the Vigilance Committee during Gold Rush Days. And we still talked about the "heat"--

Our presenter Betty Goodrich


The Board meeting re-convened at 8 AM while many attendees boarded buses for the Jelly Belly factory tour in nearby Fairfield. Over 70 flavors to chose from and everyone was seen with at least two bags of jelly bellies...

Carlos Rotger and Ethan Brand at the Jelly Belly Factory.

Tour of the Jelly Belly Factory


Today was an all day tour of the Truck Museum featuring the "Doane Truck". 1st VP Ted Doane (NE) presented a $250 check to the museum from the DFA for the good work they do.

The tour had their box lunch and then continued on to Sutters Fort and Old Sacramento for some old time memorabilia. And the "heat" stayed with us. In the evening at Wellman Hall we waited and waited and waited for the barbershop singers to arrive-only for Eunice to re-read the contract that said they would be there on Thursday night. Derek Done (UK) then made a Power Point presentation on "Deacon John Doane-Who was he?" and the DNA project. The presentation was well received and a lively interchange of questions and answers followed with Derek and Pres. Dick responding. This definitely was the HOT topic the rest of the week.

Derek Done presents results of the DNA project.

At Sutter's Fort

Ted Doane presenting check.

The Jeters enjoy their box lunches.


The day started out well with a tour to the Empire Mine in Grass Valley, the largest producing gold mine from 1855 to 1965. The group was split in two for tours of the mine and surrounding grounds.

The home and gardens of the Empire mineowner.

Then onto the original gold discovery site outside Coloma where we had our box lunch, some swimming in the river, and then to find the bus was not operating properly. After reviewing many alternative situations (in the heat), one driver felt he could get the bus back to UC Davis. And he did!!!! But we had to forgo the wine tasting stop to the chagrin of several of our tour members.

We are all thankful for our capable bus driver!

That evening we were entertained by the West Valley Chorale(barbershop singers). They sang old and new songs and were well received by the audience. Then Janet Jeffries and Dick Doane (AZ) led a sing-a-long of many, many tunes. Dick sang his infamous "Family Tree" rendition written for this reunion. Four William Howard Doane hymns were sung, led by Mary Ann Sindt (MI), accompanied by Janet on her guitar.

Empire Mine Shaft

A cooling dip in the American River provided a brief but welcome break from the heat.

Our song leader and DFA president, Dick Doane


The Memorial Service began this day led by Mary Ann Sindt (MI) and assisted by Barbara Doane (NJ). Young Kailynn Doane (WA) sang "Amazing Grace", accompanied by Janet Jeffries. The second session of the General Meeting followed that included election and installation of Officers. Cora Brodie (CAN) made a presentation for the 2008 DFA Reunion in Toronto, CAN for July 21-26, 2008. Members voted to accept the proposal. Our final banquet was held this evening at the Athletic Recreation Center, preceded by the picture taking session. Prime rib and/or vegetarian dinner was served. The young folks were served spaghetti.

Installation of Officers