I keep reading everywhere how you don't need it but yet it won't let my stepdad access any. I'm not really experienced with xbox I'm more of a pc guy. So it is a bit different. So do you or do you not need xbox gold?

Mods are a core part of what makes Bethesda games have such a long lifespan. Skyrim is a great example of this. The game has been out for nearly a decade, yet it lives on thanks to the passionate modding community. Hundreds of mods are uploaded every day that fix issues with the game or add new content. It's truly impressive to see just how active the modding community for this game is to this day, and fans can't wait to see how Starfield is augmented with a fair share of fan-made mods when this game finally hits store shelves.

Do You Need Xbox Live Gold To Download Skyrim Mods

Download 🔥 https://bytlly.com/2y3ihR 🔥

All of the official plug-ins, including Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles, can be downloaded from the Xbox Live Marketplace. An Xbox live subscription is not necessary to download the plug-ins (i.e., the free silver membership is sufficient), but you will need to pay for each plug-in using Microsoft credit (originally Microsoft Points). If there are multiple users on your Xbox 360, the plug-ins will be available to all accounts (user profiles) on that console.

You may find that if you are using a different console than the one you originally downloaded the plug-ins on, that you will be unable to use them when playing while offline, this is because the licenses for the plug-ins are associated with your old console and need to be migrated to your new one. To rectify this and be able to use the content offline visit www.xbox.com and follow the "license transfer" process in the support section.

If you need a quick refresh on how to get skyrim mods, it's fairly easy. Just hit up the official site and filter by your platform of choice. From there you can download to your console (provided you have a Bethesda.net ID).

To install Skyrim mods on PC, you'll first need to install either Wrye Bash or the Vortex mod manager. There are pros and cons to both here. Wrye Bash is better overall at managing mods and ordering them correctly, detecting clashes and so on. But you will have to download and import mods manually. Vortex on the other hand is built into Nexus mods and can automate the process, but it much more likley to cause conflicts if you try and layer too many mods into a game.

This guide is a brother of my Skyrim LE graphics and gameplay guides, in a single one - and a result of many months of modding Skyrim. My goal is a complete guide to save other people time that they can have a complete base list of mods for ultrarealistic graphics and challenging, nextgen gameplay, knowing how much these mods will affect on performance and in what order they should install the mods, which are compatible and which are not, etc. Skyrim has over 100 thousand of mods available and that's quite a task to check them all, but I spent some time and did this, and chosen almost everything you need to transform your game and also to have some variants of similar type of mods to choose from. List of 4500+ mods (but at the same time "quality about quantity", including different variants to choose from) to install to make your Skyrim graphics look nextgen and gameplay feel on absolutely next level - everything structurized properly so you can build both 50 and 1500 mod setups, depending on your goal. Installation order, performance notes, patches list and personal recommendations included.

Feel free to suggest any mod you want to see in this list or ask me any compatibility/stability questions I'm running Skyrim without any crashes and issues with about 1500 mods installed - and you can have even more and still have your game fully stable. That's not some kind of exaggeration - everything you need is to follow the guide attentively :)

1) Download and install mod manager. Choose between Nexus Mod Manager (use the .exe file), Mod Organizer 2 or Kortex Mod Manager . All 3 of them are great mod managers, each with something own to benefit player. What's the difference? NMM is "simple yet effective". MO is a mod manager packed with tons of cool features, mod manager on steroids if we can say so. Kortex is something in between, more similar to MO, but has own pros and cons over it (look here for comparison). Almost all mods can (and should) be installed via mod manager. Do not install mods manually. The guide contains notices regarding some exceptional cases when you'll need to install some mod/part of mod manually, but for the 99.9% of cases - always use mod manager. You may also find these NMM tutorial, MO2 tutorial and Kortex info page useful. Extra note: If using MO2, make double, triple sure you have watched the tutorial linked and know how to use it properly before asking for troubleshooting support :)


Kortex mod manager was tested by myself for working properly - I liked it, just don't personally prefer it over MO2 or NMM. Also, it's not quite the most popluar mod manager, so it lacks usage tutorials, and you'll need to learn how to use/troubleshoot it yourself. Due to the same reason, I won't be able to provide Kortex troubleshooting support in Discord - but once again, it's a great mod manager and you should be absolutely feel free to try it.

 IMPORTANT NOTE #2: Do not use Vortex to mod Skyrim.. It's looking pretty fancy visually, but sadly, it's very glitchy and pretty dysfunctional. I won't be able to provide any troubleshooting support if you're using it.

2) Download and install SKSE. If you allready have it - great. If no - install it. It's obligatory. SKSE is [essential]. Stability mods are also working through it, as well as vast majority of amazing gameplay mods. Consider it a basic invisible evolution element of Skyrim.

 Make sure to download the correct version! 1.7.3 is for Skyrim LE - you don't need that at all now. If you have [exactly] the Skyrim SE version of the game (1.5.97, you can right-click on the game .exe file and see the version there) - get SKSE for 1.5.97. If you're on AE (it's still named Skyrim Special Edition in your game library, it's the .exe that differs) - get the current AE version, and VR version for VR. Download the archive somewhere, unpack it. From the folder, get the .dll, .exe files and \Data folder, and place them to your Skyrim SE/AE folder, as showed here (SKSE for AE and GOG do not have the "steam_loader" file btw, that's normal). MO users should archive the \Data folder and install it as any other mod trough MO (you can do the same in NMM as well if you wanna). From now on, launch your game only via SKSE (skse64_loader.exe), not the game regular launcher.

3) Download and install SkyUI. As mod itself, SkyUI is basically a "PCfication" of ugly vanilla Skyrim interface. On practice, it's also required by most of well-known mods in addition to SKSE. Also install this fix for it, this (get the ESP version), this and this.

 Optionally (but very recommended as it's just looks so much more alive and beautiful) install animated icons mod for it (make sure to choose "Celtic" icons type in SkyUI MCM for this mod to work). Also optionally, install this "wider" addon for MCM look. Also install iHUD.

4) Download and install LOOT. LOOT is a must-have tool if you're planning to have many mods. It's very easy to install and use.

 Its most basic and important function is mod sorting. Many mods should be loaded in strict load order to work properly together. "This mod should be loaded before that mod, but after that", and so on. LOOT makes miracles! You can automatically sort most of your mods properly by just clicking a button twice. Sometimes (it happens rarely, so you probably won't have to think about it) some mods have direct instructions about how they should be loaded, in this case it's also easy to sort them manually using it. Also, LOOT shows you all you need to know about your installed mods - errors, missing records etc. In many cases, if something is not right - it will let you know and it will advise you. In most of cases, you' won't need to read and learn more than this to use it, but if something is unclear or you want to learn advanved usage of LOOT (which can come in handy from time to time), check this awesome video. Use LOOT sorting each time after you've installed a few mods.

8) Install SSEEdit. It's an awesome tool for cleaning your mods, making changes to mod records (like balancing various values up to your taste, deleting conflicting and/or unneeded objects and so on) and more.

Mods may contain "dirty" records and some other issues, and when you have hundreds of mods, that could be a problem and cause crashes. Clean all mods that have dirty records (until it's directly written by mod author to not do that for some reason) and all Skyrim's DLCs (which have [hundreds] of dirty records. Yeah - Betheshda didn't even bother to do this for the game "remaster"). Don't be afraid of it, it's not as hard to use as it may look. Check these awesome video tutorials about it. Also there is a lot of info and videos on its Nexus page.

 Note #1: Make double sure to clean all base game master files (Update.esm and all 3 DLC .esm plugins) - otherwise you'll experience random crashes.

10) Download zMerge (highly recommended) or Merge Plugins. Yes, Merge Plugins is hosted in Skyrim LE sections and yes, it does work with SE absolutely fine. At the other hand, zMerge works just fine with all mod managers, no just MO2 (big thank you Euphemia for once pointing me on this). You will need this if you'll make really heavy load order and reach the 255 plugins (.esp) limit. By merging mods, you can technically have almost endless amounts of mods installed, so you will be limited only by your PC specs and mods themselves (meaning no using broken/dangerous mods and not overloading your game with script-heavy mods). These tool (once again, zMerge is recommended over Merge Plugins) easily merges plugins into one .esp file, drastically decreasing the total amount of plugins and allowing you to install more and more mods. If using zMerge, also make sure to install this and this.

 But why zMerge over Merge Plugins? Simply said, it's more powerful and will allow you to merge more easily compared to Merge Plugins tool. For A to Z simple tutorials about using zMerge or Merge Plugins, watch these tutorials here (for Zmerge) and here (for Merge Plugins).

 Note: But what about .esl'fying the mods? It's allegedly a cool feature, so maybe we don't need to merge mods at all anymore? There is a bit more about that - indeed, marking plugins as .esl is a new alternative way of not reaching the 255 plugins limit, but: 1) not all the same mods you can merge can be esl'fied, so sooner or later, you'll eventually need to merge mods anyway 2) esl/ified plugins have some specific bugs 3) Some other mods, especially mods with dynamic patchers (like ASIS, Bashed Patch etc) simply don't recognize .esl plugins [AT ALL], meanining that if you'll, let's say, have 200 esl plugins, and then build a Bashed Patch (which is essential for any medium-to-heavy modded game), all the changes/additions, whatever those plugins are doing, will be not present in your game with utmost chance, making them meaningless to begin with. The sooner you'll learn how to merge mods (guide provides assistance with this), the better it will be for you - moreover, as soon as you'll get the basics, you'll see there's nothing to fear at all :3

 SOME mods are fine to be used as esls, and if for some of the mods/patches you're using there's no alternative asides of the esl version of its plugin - install it. The explanation/solution to this will is mentioned in the end of the guide. ff782bc1db

please click here to download and install the plug-in. close the browser when installing the plug-in

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