
17th USPEX workshop (17th Lyakhov School) is part of ICAMM Conference – International Conference on Advanced Materials Modelling, July 1-3, 2019, and VASP training school June 26-29, 2019. Rennes, France. Look at the Website:

Organizers :

Scientific committee

Local organizing committee (VASP, ICAMM, USPEX)

  • Frédéric Guégan, Gilles Frapper, Busheng Heng, Rabii Larhlimi and Heng Zhang (IC2MP, Poitiers U., France)
  • Karine Costuas, Xavier Rocquefelte, Mikaël Kepenekian, Rémi Marchal, Sandrine Nogues, ISCR, Rennes, France
  • Chris Ewels, Camille Latouche, IMN, Nantes, France,

Webmaster (DN-NSM 2019 - 17th USPEX workshop)