Welcome to Nhat Minh Doan's homepage
Welcome to Nhat Minh Doan's homepage
Hi! I am Minh. My full name is Nhat Minh Doan (or Minh Doan), written in Vietnamese as Đoàn Nhật Minh.
Current positions:
(2024-2026) Postdoc at the National University of Singapore. My advisor is Professor Ser Peow Tan.
(2022-now) Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (on leave).
I received my PhD from the University of Luxembourg in 2022, under the supervision of Professor Hugo Parlier.
I am co-organizing a workshop "Geometry and Dynamics in Low Dimensions" in Hanoi from 06-10 Jan 2025. Here is the webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/gdldhanoi/home
minh.dn AT nus.edu.sg
dnminh AT math.ac.vn