About Me

I'm Vu Minh Dang, a twelfth grader at VNU-HCM High School for the Gifted. I have a keen interest in Robotics and Computer Science. Recently, I designed and built an autonomous trash-collecting robot driven by my concern for the environment. I'm enthusiastic about exploring opportunities to apply my skills in Robotics and gain more experience in the technology field.

Curriculum Vitae

Vu Minh Dang CV

Research Reports

[VM2C] 202400000471 - English.pdf

A revolving credit line lets borrowers withdraw funds multiple times up to a credit limit, paying interest only on the withdrawn amount, which helps manage cash flow for businesses and individuals. To create effective revolving credit contracts, banks must manage risks and ensure profitability, factoring in inflation, interest rates, and customer behavior. This report models and predicts borrower behavior to help banks set optimal interest rates, resulting in a flexible, data-independent tool beneficial for both banks and borrowers.

PIISE - Report - KHTN.pdf

In today's security landscape, cryptography has evolved significantly to meet escalating challenges, particularly in lightweight solutions suitable for microcontrollers in electronic devices. This research focuses on designing and implementing electronic solar charger circuits using Altium Designer, emphasizing the LM317 IC's operational details. It also evaluates AES, ChaCha20, and PRINCE encryption algorithms tailored for microcontrollers, integrating cryptographic acceleration cores like Nios II within the Quartus Prime environment. The study aims to advance secure data encryption practices in constrained hardware environments, enhancing security in microcontroller technology amid evolving electronic device landscapes. 

PII - Report - FUV.pdf

In today's context, escalating environmental pollution from plastic waste is a significant concern. Existing automatic trash-collecting robots are hindered by limited accessibility and complexity. Akshay Badkar's study on "Advantages and Disadvantages of Automation" (July 4, 2023) highlights insufficient optimization in cost and hardware of previous automated systems. This research aims to enhance robotic systems by simulating obstacle avoidance algorithms in GazeboSim with Jetson Nano and retraining object detection using OpenCV. Key achievements include establishing core functionalities like trash detection, obstacle avoidance with Lidar, and optimizing the TinyYOLOv3 model for improved efficiency and real-time performance. 


"Dang is an intelligent student with strong problem solving and adaptability skills. He was always devoted to his work and collaborated well with his teammate to not only share the tasks but also support each other to speed up the progress of the project. During a summer internship, he worked on a project with the aim of creating an autonomous trash-collecting robot capable of recognizing water bottles and avoiding obstacles, which is challenging for a high school student. To tackle this, he first learned the required knowledge and skills to build separated modules of a robot. By completing all those tasks within less than two months, Dang impressed me with his learning and adaptability skills."

~ Dr. Phung Manh Duong, a senior faculty of Engineering at Fulbright University Vietnam and a senior member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) ~

Research Interests

Networked robots, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), 3D reconstruction, optimization, and image processing.

Favorite Quote

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."