DNA Repair

The Natural Approach to Reverse Aging

Reclaiming your youth does not have to be an impossible task. It can be as simple as changing the things we do to ourselves because the damage that we bring on ourselves is the easiest to correct.

There are a number of ways that you can optimize your health and prolong your life.

Step One :

This part of the reverse aging program deals with making dietary changes, boosting the immune system, reducing systemic inflammation and removing toxic waste from the body- all pretty basic stuff.

In other words, this part of the damage control is up to you. You are in charge and play an active role in how effectively you can reverse aging, but more about that in later chapters.

Step Two :

The second part of damage control involves preventing and reversing damage at the cellular level. This component of reverse aging may not totally be up to you as factors promoting aging are genetically programmed in your cells.

Having said that, there are still some proactive measures you can take to prevent damage at the cellular level.

For one, you can incorporate more exercise into your daily routine to keep circulation moving, the heart pumping well, and the lymphatic system flowing freely. This will, among other things, nourish and replenish your cells well.

Second, you can invest in some quality anti-aging products that will work internally to regenerate cells and minimize aging effects. A lot more on this in upcoming chapters.

Step Three :

The final step in this process addresses hormonal changes that affect aging at a macro level. Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers telling the body what to do and when.

With regards to aging, hormones tell the body how to age and any fluctuations in hormonal levels affects aging.

While hormonal production cannot be completely dominated by any single treatment, you can make small but sensible changes to restore these imbalances.

Some basics to boost the body’s ability to create and balance hormones include changing lifestyle and dietary habits while staying away from common stressors and detoxifying.

And then of course, there is all that hormonal therapy that you could get involved in, but do you really to go there?

Instead follow a sensible age reversing protocol that will help you better control the way you age. These basics can not only prevent and reverse chronic illnesses but also the signs and symptoms of aging.

In this book we will look at the different factors that affect the production of collagen, on the external front, concerning the look and feel of skin. On the internal front, which is equally important, we will look at what is crucial to keep you young and healthy on the inside.

The Science Behind Reverse Aging

While a lot of research has been done on the subject, a recent one was actually successful in reversing the process of aging in mice.

The study indicated that not only did the mice appear younger but that their lifespan was extended by approximately 30 percent.

And while the study has only been done on mice, the researchers are hopeful that the same would be ready for human trials within ten years.


The basis of this research was something called epigenetics. By definition, this means the study of inherent changes in gene function. As we move through life, our genetic makeup changes in many different ways.

For instance, outside factors such as environmental pollutants like smoking or lifestyle habits like alcohol and drug dependency can bring about changes.

And with a change in our genes, our bodies change as well. When the body changes, it starts to age.

Whether these changes promote a predisposition to an inherited condition such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis or create a new condition that the body remains unable to recover from, such epigenetic changes supply a lot of information for why these things happen.

And when scientists find out why these changes happen they can work on a way of stopping them from happening, or even reversing them such as in aging.

Scientists have also determined an age reversing agent known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD+. This compound was present more in younger mice than older ones and is very important in repairing DNA damage.

There is also another DNA repair agent called PARP1 which responds well to NAD+ levels in the human body. So the higher the NAD+, the more PARP1.

Younger individuals, much like younger mice, have higher levels and these levels start to fall as people age.

This, in turn, makes it harder for DNA to restore itself.

So with this in mind, scientists gave more NAD+ to older mice and sure enough, they started to appear younger, biologically.

As a takeaway, research findings concluded that by changing adult cells into their earlier stage, reverse aging may be set in motion.

But that is for the scientists to do. As for your part, what you can do to reverse aging is to take better care of yourself to stop cellular damage at different levels.

Once your cells are working well, they are in a stronger position to repair DNA themselves and stop aging prematurely.

What Else Does Science Say?

Science has a whole lot more to say about reverse aging, but we will only look at some basics here. Just enough to get an idea about established research into the topic.

Genetic Component

Looking for a way to halt aging has undoubtedly stepped into science labs to unlock the mysteries of aging. In fact, research believes that not only may we be close to stopping aging but actually reversing it as well.

For starters, as mentioned earlier, your genes have a big role in how fast or slow you age. But because genes are something beyond your control, here is what you need to know about genes affecting the aging process.