Dungeons and Dragons Weekends

India's First "Unauthorized" D&D Convention

@Levi's Lounge, Mumbai

31 March 2019

Check out our Holi Dragons! Draconic Tournament Event here.

Calling all Adventurers, DMs, Artists, and Storytellers!

Help us bring together the growing Dungeons and Dragons community in Mumbai.

  • Sign up for a game.
  • Bring your character sheets.
  • Don't have a character sheet? We'll help you make one.
  • Or just come spectate, walk into the theatre of the mind and take in the sights created by our amazing artists.

So what is D&D?

A doorway into the world of fantasy roleplaying, where you respond to the world and the world reacts to what you do.

What happens on D&D Weekends?

In a dungeon room somewhere in Mumbai, a bunch of nerds, artists and creators step away from reality and into their collective imaginations, to live as heroes(or villains), fight monsters, change the world, and live a story that's never been told before.

What if I've never played D&D before?

If there's a game happening nearby, there will be a Dungeon Master who's willing you ease you into it. This is a space of collaboration and everyone at the table is willing to help.

What do I take home?

You take home a story. One that you've been part of. And with every game, you build your own storytelling and creative thinking skills.

What's Levi's Lounge all about?

<Briefly fill the answer here; it has been formatted>

Join the Quest

@Levi's Lounge, Lower Parel

10 am to 10 pm : Sunday, 27 January 2019

RSVP here or on www.insider.in or www.fb.com/dmsam666