Dmitry Kubrak's homepage
Currently, I am a postdoc at IHES working under the supervision of Ahmed Abbes. Before that I was at Max Planck Institute in Bonn and at IAS in Princeton for the special year in p-adic Hodge theory. I got my PhD at MIT in 2020.
My papers and preprints:
D. Kubrak, G. Shuklin, A. Zakharov, Derived binomial rings I: integral Betti cohomology of log schemes, arXiv
E. Bogdanova, D. Kubrak, R. Travkin, V. Vologodsky, The canonical global quantization of symplectic varieties in characteristic p, arXiv
D. Kubrak, A. Prikhodko, with an appendix by Haoyang Guo, Rational p-adic Hodge theory for d-de Rham-proper stacks; arXiv
D. Kubrak, F. Scavia, Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence and Hodge cohomology of classifying stacks; arXiv
D. Kubrak, A. Prikhodko, p-adic Hodge theory for Artin stacks; to appear in Memoirs of AMS, arXiv
D. Kubrak, A. Prikhodko, Hodge-to-de Rham degeneration for stacks, IMRN, 2021; arXiv
D. Kubrak, R. Travkin, Resolutions with conical slices and descent for the Brauer group classes of certain central reductions of differential operators in characteristic p, IMRN, Volume 2021, Issue 19, 2021, 14629-14719; arXiv
D. Kubrak, On some asymptotic formulas for curves in positive characteristic; arXiv
M. Finkelberg, D. Kubrak, Vanishing Cycles on Poisson Varieties, Functional Analysis and applications, 49 (2015), 135-141; arXiv