Poster Competition


1st Place

An Approach to Predict Demand for A Grocer’s Most Challenging Products: Meat and Seafood (link), Authors: Jiacen Liu, Hui Zeng, Gopi Krishna Mashetty, Prachi Priyam, Matthew A. Lanham

2nd Place

Holistic Prediction for Public Transport Crowd Flows: A Spatio Dynamic Graph Network Approach (link), Authors: Bingjie He, Shukai Li, Chen Zhang, Baihua Zheng, Fugee Tsung

3rd Place

Hotel Demand Forecasting and Revenue Maximization for Short Booking Windows (link), Authors: Kalp Shah, Anisha Desai, Prerak Patel, Anudeep Bodaballa, Matthew A. Lanham

Additional Presentations:

  1. Measuring the Comprehensibility of Hindi Text (link), Authors: Esha Kaushal, Sachin Singhal, Sakshee Agarwal, Daniel Whitenack, Matthew A. Lanham

  2. Auto-documentation and Audit Functionality for Pycaret (link), Authors: Snigdha Rai, Shipra Harlalka, Mayank Jha, Matthew A. Lanham

  3. College Player Rating Using Weighted Statistics Scaling (link), Authors: Sai Teja Pasula, Utkarsh Kumar, Anantharaman Gomathyshankar, Nikhil Neeraj Modi, Matthew A. Lanham

  4. Language Agnostic Phone-Based Audio Search (link), Authors: Abhishek Chippa, Vishnuvardhan Alla, Yashwanth Katamreddy, Daniel Whitenack, Matthew A. Lanham

  5. Physics-constrained Deep Learning for Robust ECG Modeling (link), Authors: Jianxin Xie, Bing Yao

  6. Eigen-Entropy: A Metric for Sampling Design (link), Authors: Jiajing Huang, Hyunsoo Yoon, Ojas Pradhan, Teresa Wu, Jin Wen, Zheng O'Neill

  7. Kernerlized l1 norm principal component analysis for denoising (link), Authors: Xiao Ling, Anh Bui, Paul Brooks

  8. Visualizing Model Selection and Comparative Meta-models (link), Authors: Dawn He, Yaron Shaposhnik

  9. IP Enforcer: A Data Science Approach to Identify Potential Patent Infringers (link), Authors: Harish Gavva, Vinay Devulapalli, Harsh Kalra, Sandeep Mukhopadhyay, Matthew A. Lanham

  10. Multi-Branching Temporal Convolutional Network for Sepsis Prediction (link), Authors: Zekai Wang, Bing Yao

  11. Tensor Completion for Weakly-dependent Data on Graph for Metro Passenger Flow Prediction (link), Authors: Jiuyun Hu, Ziyue Li, Cheng Zhang, Fugee Tsung, Hao Yan

  12. Anatomically Constrained Deep Learning (AC-DL) for Automating Dental CBCT Segmentation and Lesion Detection (link), Authors: Zhiyang Zheng, Hao Yan, Frank C. Setzer, Katherine J. Shi, Mel Mupparapu, Jing Li

  13. A Novel Approach to Predict Store Inventory (link), Authors: Abhinao Ojha, Anupama Sunil, Kshama Sharma, Satyam Swami, Matthew A. Lanham

  14. Automation to Analytics: Designing Web Scrapers and Visualizations for Effective Geospatial Insurance Program Insights (link), Authors: Richa Tiwari Choubey, Ishita Paresh Shah, Ayush Maheshwari, Matthew A. Lanham

  15. Using Data Mining to Identify Skills Gaps and Provide Course Recommendations (link), Authors: Karthikeyan Balakrishnan, Diksha Tiwari, Claire Shuo Jin, Matthew A. Lanham

  16. An Analytics-Driven Holistic Stocking and Replenishment Strategy (link), Authors: Eswar Sai Prathap Singavarapu, Hasit Yarlagadda, Kanak Agrawal, Ying-Hsuen Tsai, Matthew A. Lanham

  17. A Novel Approach to Align Forecasts to Competing Operational Business Outcomes (link), Authors: Jiacen Liu, Hui Zeng, Matthew A. Lanham

  18. Automated A/B Testing and Measurement Framework​ (link), Authors: Harshul Garg, Manya Dadarya, Phalguni Vatsa, Usama Ather, Matthew A. Lanham

  19. Cybersecurity Analytics - A New Approach to Network Segmentation (link), Authors: Mani Prakash Rathna Kumar, Geetika Mittal, Lakshminarayana Mudradi, Matthew A. Lanham


Lynn Letukas

Senior Director, Global Academic Programs and Certifications

SAS, Inc.

Daniel Steeneck

Co-Founder and Chief Scientist


Semih Atakan

Senior Research Scientist


Michael Lash

Assistant Professor of Business Analytics

University of Kansas

Larissa Petroianu

Research Scientist


Kwan-Yuet (Stephen) Ho

Senior Data Scientist


Shaun Doheney

Sr. Data & Analytics Strategy Advisor

Amazon Web Services