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Daniel Berkowitz

Professor of Economics

University of Pittsburgh

WWPH 4913 

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Recent Activities

Visiting Researcher, Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies, Summer 2024

Visiting Professor, Heinz School of Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2022

Summer 2019, Writing Resident, Bellagio Institute, Rockefeller Foundation

2019-2021, Executive Secretary of the  Association for Comparative Economic Studies

2018, President of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies 

2007-2016, Co-managing Editor (with Gerard Roland) of the Journal of Comparative Economics

Fall 2015, Visiting Scholar, National Bureau for Economic Research

Spring 2011 and 2012, Visiting Senior Faculty, Tsinghua University

Fall 2009 and 2010, Visiting Professor, City University of Hong Kong

2009-present, secondary appointment, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh


Institutions and Development, Law and Finance, Applied Microeconomics, China


Citations -  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cVqJscYAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao


“The Growth of Firms, Markets and Rents: Evidence from China” (with Shuichiro Nishioka),   Journal of Comparative Economics, June 2024. 

“Environmental Hazards and Local Investment: A Half-Century of Evidence from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells” (with Max Harleman and Jeremy Weber),  Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2022, https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/719383

“De-politicization and Corporate Transformation: Evidence from China” (with Chen Lin and Sibo Liu), The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Volume 38, Issue 2, July 2022, Pages 479–510, https://doi.org/10.1093/jleo/ewab007

“How Bureaucratic Capacity Shapes Policy Outcomes: Partisan Politics and Affluent Citizens’ Incomes in the American States” (with George Krause), the Journal of Public Policy, 40(2): 305-328, 2020. Online blog - http://blog.journals.cambridge.org/2018/11/26/how-bureaucratic-leadership-shapes-policy-outcomes-partisan-politics-and-affluent-citizens-incomes-in-the-american-states/

 “Recasting the Iron Rice Bowl: The Reform of China’s State Owned Enterprises” (with Hong Ma and Shuichiro Nishioka), the Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(4): 735-747, 2017 

 "Do Property Rights Matter? Evidence from a Property Law Enactment" (with Chen Lin and Yue Ma), Journal of Financial Economics, 116: 583-593, 2015

 “Bank Privatization, Finance and Growth,” (with Mark Hoekstra and Koen Schoors), the Journal of Development Economics 110: 93-106, 2014

 “Valid Tests When Instrumental Variables Do Not Perfectly Satisfy the Exclusion Restriction,” (with Andres Riquelme and Mehmet Caner), the Stata Journal 13(3): 528-546, 2013

 “The Validity of Instruments Revisited, (with Mehmet Caner and Ying Fang) the Journal of Econometrics. 166(2):  255-267, 2012

 “The Evolution of a Nation: How Geography and Law Shaped the American States,” (with Karen Clay) Princeton University Press, December 2011 (for endorsements see http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9626.html); (Translated into Chinese, 2015, CITC Press Corporation)

 "Law and the Trade of Less Developed Economies," (with Johannes Moenius), the Journal of Development Economics 96: 451-460, 2011

 “Do Elite Private High Schools Improve Academic Performance? Evidence from Admissions Data,” (with Mark Hoekstra), the Economics of Education Review 30(2): 280-88, 2011

 “Growth in Post-Soviet Russia: A Tale of Two Transitions,” (with David N. DeJong), the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 79: 133-43, 2011

 “Law, Trade and the Asian Miracle,” (with Johannes Moenius), Asian Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 15(3): 291-315, 2008

 “Are Nearly Exogenous Instruments Reliable?” (with Mehmet Caner and Ying Fang), Economic Letters 101: 20-23, 2008

“The Effect of Judicial Independence on Courts: Evidence from the American States,” (with Karen Clay), Journal of Legal Studies 35(2): 399-440, June 2006

”Entrepreneurship and the Evolution of Income Distributions in Poland and Russia," (with John E. Jackson), the Journal of Comparative Economics 34(2): 338-356, June 2006

 “Trade, Law and Product Complexity,” (with Johannes Moenius and Katharina Pistor); the Review of Economics and Statistics, 88(2): 363-373, 2006

“Legal Institutions and International Trade Flows,” (with Katharina Pistor and Johannes Moenius); Michigan Journal of International Law 26(1): 163-198, 2004

“Economic Fragmentation in Russia: The Influence of International Trade and Initial Conditions,” (with David N. DeJong); Economics of Governance 6(3): 253-268, 2005

“Entrepreneurship and Post-Socialist Growth,” (with David N. DeJong); Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 67(1): 25-46, 2005

"American Civil Law Origins: Implications for State Constitutions and State Courts," (with Karen Clay); American Law and Economics Review 7(1): 62-84, 2005

“The Transplant Effect,” (with Katharina Pistor and Jean Francois Richard); the American Journal of Comparative Law 51(1): 163-204, 2003

“Integration: An Empirical Assessment of Russia” (with David N. DeJong); the Journal of Urban Economics 53: 541-559, 2003

 “Economic Development, Legality and the Transplant Effect,” (with Katharina Pistor and Jean-Francois Richard); European Economic Review 47(1): 165-195. 2003

 “Legal Transplants, Legal Irritants and Economic Development,” (with Katharina Pistor); in Peter Cornelius and Bruce Kogut, eds., Corporate Governance and Capital Flows in a Global Economy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002

 “Policy Reform and Growth in Post-Soviet Russia” (with David N. DeJong); European Economic Review 47(2): 141-156, 2003. Reprinted as a non-technical summary under the title of “Entrepreneurship and Growth: Evidence from Russia,” in Andrew Warner, ed., The European Competitiveness and Transition Report 2001-2002. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002

  “Accounting for Post-Soviet Russia’s Growth,” (with David N. DeJong); Regional Science and Urban Economics 32(2): 221-239, 2002

 “Does Privatization Enhance or Deter Small Enterprise Formation?” (with Jonathan Holland); Economics Letters  74(1): 53-60, 2001

 “The Evolving Pattern of Internal Market Integration in Russia,” (with David N. DeJong); Economics of Transition 9(1): 87-104, 2001

 “Does Russian Legal Reform Matter?  Evidence from Russian Crude Oil Exports,” in Peter Murrell, ed., Assessing the Value of Law in Transition Economies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001, pp.314-329

 “Tax Rights in Transition Economies: A Tragedy of the Commons?" (with Wei Li); Journal of Public Economics 76 (3): 369-398, 2000

 “Economic Consequences of Russia’s Internal Border,” (with David N. DeJong); in P. Wehrheim, Frohlberg, K. Serova, E. and von Braun, J., eds., Russia's Agro-food Economy: Towards Truly Functioning Markets. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,  pp.185-202, 2000

 “Russia’s Internal Border,” (with David N. DeJong); Regional Science and Urban Economics 29 (5): 633-649, 1999

 “Quantifying Price Liberalization in Russia,” (with David N. DeJong and Steven Husted); Journal of Comparative Economics 26 (4): 735-60, 1998

 "Nationalism and Secession," in D. Pines, E. Sadka and I. Zilcha, eds., Topics in Economics. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 220-236, 1998

 "Regional Income and Secession: Center-Periphery Relations in Emerging Market Economies,” Regional Science and Urban Economics 27 (1): 17-45, 1997

 "Observations on Transition in Russia: Prices and Entry," (with David N. DeJong); in Joan Nelson, Charles Tilly and Lee Walker, eds., Transforming Post-Communist Political Economies. Washington DC: National Academy Press, pp. 203-222, 1997

 "On the Persistence of Rationing Following Liberalization: A Theory for Economies in Transition," European Economic Review 40 (6), 1259-1280, 1996

"Atavistic Dynamics in a Two Sector Economy," Journal of Economic Theory, 62, 238-252, 1994.

 "Local Support for Market Reform: Implications of a Consumption Bias," in J. Hahn and T. Friedgut, eds., Local Power and Post-Soviet Politics. Armonk NY: ME Sharpe, pp. 192-207, 1994

 "A Simple Model of an Oligopolistic Parallel Market," Journal of Comparative Economics, 17 (1), 92-112, 1993

 "Fiscal Decentralization in the Soviet Economy," (with Beth Mitchneck); Comparative Economic Studies 34 (2): 1-18, 1992

 "Sequence of Techniques," Economics of Planning, 25: 191-217, 1992


Working Papers

“What Makes Local Governments Accountable in Autocracies: Evidence from China,” (with Yi Lu and Mingqin Wu), mimeo, December 2023. 

“Borrowing Based on Great Expectations: Evidence from the Origins of Fracking” (with Andrew Boslett, Jason Brown and Jeremy Weber), December 2023, revisions requested from Management Science.

“The Effects of an Emergency Savings Program on Work Performance: A Two-Year Field Intervention” (with Carrie Leana, Daniye Kamram-Morley and Yolanda Yang), draft, August 2022, revisions requested from the ILR (Industrial and Labor Relations Review).