Martin, D. (2019). “Éthique, algorithmes et intelligence artificielle : les nouveaux défis de la gestion organisationnelle,” Opening conference of the Congrès Gestion 2019, Ordre des adminstrateurs agréés, Montréal, 10-11 October.

Martin, D. (2019). “Search Ranking to Neural Networking and the Challenges of Account Giving,” Panel 2.1 Algorithmic Accountability, 20th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association, University of Toronto, June 27-30.

Martin, D. & Charles Morgan (2019). Panel discussion “Regulatory and ethical issues,” 2nd ICAIL Workshop on AI and Legal Practice, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, Université de Montréal, June 17-21.

Martin, D. (2019). “Reddition de compte algorithmique : l’obligation de rendre compte et ses limites,” Intelligence artificielle : enjeux sociétaux et dialogues savoirs-société, 87e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Université du Québec en Outaouais, May 27-31.

Martin, D. (2019). “Cooperatives and the diversity of organizational forms,” Panel Market, Justice, and the Cooperative as a Political Institution?, ICA CCR, CASC and ACE Joint Conference, Université de Sherbrooke, May 27-30.

Martin, D. (2019). “Travail, justice et la diversité des formes organisationnelles,” Colloque international Justice et dignité dans le monde du travail, Université Laval, May 13-14.

Bouthillier, A., P. Boivin, M. Chassé, É.-A. Laville, D. Martin (2018). “Table ronde : enjeux éthiques de l'intelligence artificielle en santé,” Innove-Action 2018, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM), November 13-15.

Vani, S., J. Hodson, D. Martin & É. Meslin (2018). “The social implications of emerging technologies: Are the most important questions the least studied?”, Canadian Science Policy Conference, Ottawa, November 7–9. [Video]

Bonenfant, M., D. Martin & M.-J. Meurs (2018). “Towards an Actionable Definition of Machine Learning,” The Cultural Life of Machine Learning, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique, Montréal, October 10.

Martin, D. (2018). “Synthèse des travaux,” L’entreprise socialement responsable : Face à la multiplication des zones frontières, Colloque international CÉDÉ-LIRSE, Université Laval, Québec, October 4.

Beaudin, M.-C., G. Bédard, D. Martin, C. Patsias & M. Séguin (2018). “Panel : La coopérative comme solution aux nouveaux défis politiques des entreprises ?”, International conference: Market, Justice and the Cooperative as a Political Institution, Chaire de cooperation Guy-Bernier, Montréal, September 27-28.

Martin, D. (2018). “Diversity, Path Dependence and the Ownership of the Firm,” Workshop: La coopérative comme organisation différente, Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Université de Moncton, September 28-30.

Martin, D. (2018). “The Role of Cooperatives in a Just Society?,” Symposium: La coopérative comme institution politique, Annual Congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, June 4-7.

Martin, D. (2018). “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Moral Decision-Making,” Symposium: La coopérative comme institution politique, Annual Congress of the Canadian Philosophical Association, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, June 4-7.

Martin, D. (2018). “Roundtable: Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Industrial Relations” (with Christian Cyr, Nicole Mardis, Caroline Senneville and Johanna Westsar), Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference 2018, Montreal, May 2-4.

Martin, D. (2018). “Weak Worker Participation as a Governance Technology: Justice, Efficiency and Ownership Costs in the Economy”, Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference 2018, Montreal, May 2-4.

Martin, D. (2018). “The Desirability of Institutionalized Rivalry”, Mars Brother Interdisciplinary Program on Ethics, Politics and Economics, Yale University, New Haven, April 20.

Martin, D. (2018). “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Moral Decision-Making”, Speaker Conference in Philosophy, Ryerson University, Toronto, April 17.

Martin, D. (2018). Search Ranking to Neural Networking and The Obligation of Account-Giving, Centre de recherche en éthique, Montréal, April 10.

Asaro, P., R. Goebel, I. Kerr, D. Martin & J. Pineau (2017). “Algorithms: What are our obligations of account-giving?”, Forum on the Socially Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, Montréal, November 2-3.

Martin, D. (2017). “Éthique, algorithmes et intelligence artificielle : Quelles sont nos obligations de rendre des comptes?,” Innovation - Technologies émergentes, tendances et perspectives, ISACA and CRIM, Québec, October 2.

Martin, D. (2017). “Algorithmic accountability and neural networking,” CIFAR-Berggruen Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and the Transformation of Humanity, New York, August 31-September 1st.

Martin, D. (2017). “Is Executive Compensation Just or Unjust? An Efficiency Perspective,” Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference, Atlanta, August 4-6.

Martin, D. (2017). “Joseph Heath, Efficiency and Equality: A Tough Trade Off,” Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference, Atlanta, August 4-6.

Martin, D. (2017). “Henry Hansmann, the Resistance of Less Efficient Investor Ownership and Worker Participation,” Atelier: Éthique et Coopératives Financières, Chaire de Coopération Guy Bernier, Montréal, June 6.

Martin, D. (2017). “Investissement éthique, algorithmes et intelligence artificielle,” Table-Ronde Éthique de l’investissement, Montréal, May 8.

Martin, D. (2016). “On the Moral Obligation to Repay a Government Debt,” Finance and Social Justice Conference, University of Bayreuth, November 3-5.

Martin, D. (2016). “Henry Hansmann and Efficient Investor Ownership”, presented at the Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference, Anaheim CA, August 6.

Martin, D. (2015). “Heath, Business Ethics and the Tough Trade-Offs: Or When Does a Market Fail?”, presented at the APA Pacific Division Annual Meeting. Vancouver, April 1.

Martin, D. (2014). “Bitcoin and the New Digital Ledger Currencies,” presented at the Joint Conference: Center for Ethics and Centre de Recherche en Éthique de l’Université de Montréal. University of Toronto, April 11.

Martin, D. (2014). “Efficient Shareholder Management in a Non-Ideal World,” presented at the Normative Business Ethics Workshop Series. Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center for Business Ethics, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, March 7.

Martin, D. (2013). “The Big Trade-Offs: When Does a Market Fail and When Does a Market Agent Exploits a Market Failure?,” presented at the Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting. Walt Disney World Resort, Florida, August 9.

Martin, D. (2013). “Honoring a Poker Code of Ethics Is Harder than You Think,” presented at the Business Ethics Speakers' Series. Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto, March 19.

Martin, D. (2013). “The Desirability of Rivalry, A Two-Step Test,” presented at the Ethics at Noon Series. Centre for Ethics, Toronto, February 13.

Martin, D. (2012). “The Next 10 Years in Ethics and Economics,” paper presented at the workshop CREUM’s 10-year anniversary. Montréal, November 1.

Martin, D. (2012). “La corruption et la crise financière de 2008,” presented at the workshop Corruption de la démocratie. Paris, June 7-8.

Martin, D. (2011). “Instrumental and Normative Measures. Even With Sticks, Carrots Are Not (Always) Enough,” presented at the Shaping Institutional Cultures Symposium, Canadian Association of Philosophy Annual Meeting. Fredericton, June 2.

Martin, D. (2011). “Debate: Could a Tobin Tax Regulate Financial Speculation?” (with Randall Germain and Huntley Schaller), Financial Speculation, Ethics and Law Workshop. Université de Montréal, March 25.

Martin, D. (2010). “Trichotomy or Stakeholder Theory? A ‘Triple Feature’ Program for Business Ethics,” presented at the Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting. Montréal, August 7-10.

Martin, D. (2009). “Utilitarisme et théorie du choix rationnel. Les limites d’une approche basée sur la maximisation de l’utilité,” presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference Two Centuries of Utilitarianism. Université de Rennes II, June 4-5.

Martin, D. (2008). “Adversarial Ethics and Business Ethics, What Is the True Nature of Healthy Competition,” presented at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics ’08. Bucarest, October 30-31.

Martin, D. (2007). “Un marché républicain de l’information,” presented at the Colloque international sur l’économie politique républicaine. Université de Paris X – Nanterre, June 14-15.

Martin, D. (2007). “Parking, No Parking. Ou l’utilité des moyens de transport individuels motorisés,” presented at the Nuit de la philosophie. Université du Québec à Montréal, March 24.

Martin, D. (2006). “The information Society Era and the Faith of the Modern Political State: Two Competing Vision of the Expression of Cultures and Identities through Computer Networks,” presented at the Technology and Citizenship Symposium. McGill University, June 9-10.

Other public interventions

2019-09-25, “La reconnaissance faciale toujours plus présente,” François Joly, La croisée, Radio-Canada.

2019-09-23, “Quand Converser Avec L’au-Delà Devient Réalité : L’intelligence Artificielle Veut Transformer Les Morts En Robots,” Urbania.

2019-03, “Le modèle coopératif boudé par les universitaires?” and “Plus ça change, moins c’est pareil”, Coopoint.

2019-02-05, "C’est le 15e anniversaire de Facebook et le futur s’annonce sombre," Vice.

2018-06-08, "Les enjeux éthiques de la technologie 1re partie," Format Libre, Radio-Canada.

2018-06-04, "Un plan fédéral d'ici décembre pour encadrer l'utilisation des mégadonnées," Radio-Canada.

2018-06-04, "L'intelligence artificielle au menu du G7," Le Téléjournal, Radio-Canada.

2018-04-18, "L'éthique de l'intelligence artificielle," Y a pas deux matins pareils, Radio-Canada.

2017-11-27, "L’acceptation sociale de l’évitement fiscal," Les éclaireurs, Radio-Canada.

2017-09-13. "Intelligence artificielle et homosexualité : une application sème la controverse", Y a pas deux matins pareils, Radio-Canada.

2017-02-24, "Entrevue avec Dominic Martin. Éthique de l’intelligence artificielle," Radio CRÉ, Centre de recherche en éthique.

2013-07-31, "Dossier Lac-Mégantic : Analyse de la responsabilité corporative avec Dominic Martin," 24 heures en 60 minutes, Radio-Canada. [Full Episode]

2012-11-12, "Point chaud - La moralité est fragile," Le Devoir.