The timezone is denoted in JST(GMT+9).
2022. 9. 15 (Thr.)
12:30-13:20 registration
13:20-13:30 opening
14:00-14:45 Dr. Sendouda: ”Primordial black holes as radiating dark matter”
14:55-15:40 Dr. Kitajima: ”Axion dark matter in neutron star magnetosphere”
15:40-16:10 break & poster (poster flash talk)
16:10-16:55 Dr. Osato: ”Numerical simulations as a tool to scrutinise the physics of dark matter”
17:05-17:50 Dr. Benito: ”Dark matter density profile of the Milky Way” (11:05-11:50 EEST)
18:00-18:45 Dr. Inada : ”Dark matter searches with high-energy gamma-ray: Latest results and future prospects”
2022. 9. 16 (Fri.)
09:00-09:45 Dr. Sokolenko: "Pushing the cosmic frontier at sub-eV scales" ( Sep. 15, 19:00-19:45 CST)
09:55-10:40 Dr. Baum: ”Paleo Detectors: New Ways of Using Old Rocks to Search for Dark Matter” ( Sep. 15, 17:55-18:40 PDT)
10:50-11:35 Dr. Takahashi: ”Non-cold dark matter cosmology”
11:35-12:50 poster & lunch
12:50-13:35 Dr. Nishida: ”Dark matter search with accelerators”
13:45-14:30 Dr. Mawatari: collider search theory
14:40-15:25 Dr. Shirai: ”Status and Challenge of Dark Matter Search at Collider”
15:25-15:40 break
15:40-16:25 Dr. Ibe: "Migdal effect in dark matter direct detection experiments"
16:35-17:20 Dr. Kamada: ”Asymmetric dark matter: signatures of dark hadrons and dark photon" (9:35-10:20 CEST)
17:30-18:15 Dr. Hryczuk: ”Relic abundance theory: new developments” (10:30-11:15 CEST)
2022. 9. 17 (Sat.)
09:00-09:45 Dr. Aramaki: "Overview of the GRAMS (Gamma-Ray and AntiMatter Survey) Project"
09:55-10:40 Dr. Ema: ”Cosmic Ray Up-scattered Light Dark Matter”
10:50-11:35 Dr. Motz: ”Constraining the Dark Matter Parameter Space with Cosmic Ray Data from Space-based Detectors”
11:35-12:20 Dr. Kobayashi: ”Direct dark matter detection experiments”
12:20-12:30 closing