I've been looking for apps to help me better manage my time. I first encountered the Toggl app and fell in love. A bit later (by chance) I found out about Jira. i know that this is app is designed manage development for game studio projects (for example), however I wanted to try using it just to better manage my time and achieve personal goals.

I'm also trying the same. Using my personal growth items(apart from my daily job), like getting some training, doing some POCs, etc. And with the available visualization tools in Jira, I am liking the way of my improvement(like I'm a product and designing roadmaps for myself).

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This is such a great idea. I do something similar with my team at work. It's really helpful to keep personal and professional improvement opportunities in sight, because as we all know out of sight = out of mind.

This entire world view tragically puts the proverbial cart before the horse. Whether you call it personal development, personal growth, self-actualization, self-transcendence, or spirituality does not matter. What matters is realizing that the reason you were born is to become the best human being you can possibly be. Personal development is not a tool for reaching a bigger goal. Becoming a complete human being is already the biggest and most noble goal you can aspire to.

The Counseling and Personal Development Center offers mental health, substance use, and student disability services to assist students with social, personal and academic growth during their matriculation at the university. For currently enrolled students, all mental health/substance use counseling services are provided for free and confidentially in a welcoming atmosphere. Information discussed is held in strict confidence to the limits provided by law. No record of counseling services is annotated on academic transcripts or placement files.

Earn a quality education and join our engaged community of learners. Whether you want to earn a degree, certificate, or take a few personal development classes, MCC can help you build a plan that aligns with your goals.

One of the most important things you can do to nurture and retain talent is provide them with personal development opportunities. This can encompass anything from leadership training or building a new skill, to simply pursuing a passion that inspires an employee in and out of the workplace.

But personal development is not one-size-fits-all: In a Forbes article, Joe Folkman writes that most individual personal development plans fail because they're not driven by the individual and his or her interests.

Members of Forbes Coaches Council share 13 ways managers can show support for their employees' personal development initiatives, while still giving them the autonomy they need to grow in their own way.

Allow for employees to engage in personal development by allotting 10 percent of their time to personal or professional growth. The only rules: How they spend their time must be a stretch: something out of the box that has a benefit to the business, whether it's building a skill directly linked to their role or improving their leadership abilities. - Lizabeth Czepiel, Lizabeth Czepiel, LLC

Encourage everyone to have a 90-day learning goal and to share what it is. On my team, we discuss our learning from the past 30 days and what we want to focus on for the next 60 to 90 days. We are committed to both individual and organizational learning. Making it safe to experiment with new ideas and report back on your learning is also a great way to encourage development. - Shawn Kent Hayashi, The Professional Development Group LLC

Employees are more likely to get excited about personal development opportunities when they are innovative and entertaining. Mix things up by offering a variety of interesting and engaging learning experiences. For example, this may include destination learning, the use of cutting-edge technology or interactive exercises where the concepts introduced can be readily applied in context. - Karima Mariama-Arthur, Esq., WordSmithRapport

Introduce personal development so staff can see the broader benefits beyond the job. If it feels like it's strictly work-related, then people will compartmentalize what they're learning and won't feel the far-reaching benefits. Approach it from a whole-life perspective so employees bring their positive attitudes home and to their communities around them. - Nancy Marmolejo, TalentAndGenius.com

The new generation of learning and development is grounded in one size fits one, being bite size and real-time accessibility. Understand the competencies and behaviors associated with the vision of the organization. From there, have managers get clear about what's important individually for their employees. Next, provide an internal platform and external mediums to support development. - Alicia Reece, The Reece Group

Set up one-on-ones on a regular basis specifically to discuss personal development. The frequency will depend on your business (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). Find out what interests them outside of their normal job scope and encourage and support them in pursuing it. Staff performance and loyalty increases when employees feel supported and empowered to pursue their personal goals and dreams. - Gina Gomez, Gina Gomez, Business & Life Coach

Go beyond the thinking that development has to happen through formal classroom training. Create a book club where employees can discuss the latest trends in your industry; provide 15-minute "lunch and learns" where employees teach each other a skill; or create a company Slack group for social learning. Make development easily accessible (and easier on the budget) through useful, informal methods. - Loren Margolis, Training & Leadership Success LLC

All development is the result of learning. To effectively support personal development on a regular basis, organizations should foster a "culture of learning." When a strong learning culture is embedded in the foundation of an organization, more employees see the importance of continuous learning. There are many mechanisms, tools and incentives organizations can institute, but start with culture. - Eddie Turner, Eddie Turner LLC

With some of my clients, we build communities of practice or peer learning groups where people can share their experiences and find people with similar challenges they can talk to. Another option is to support development by encouraging people to learn through cross-pollination (i.e. go see what others are doing in the same field) in other areas of the company. - Steffan Surdek, Pyxis Technologies

Regularly soliciting ideas for personal development can help you understand what your team members want and give you some fresh ideas. If personal development is part of your company culture, people should feel free to talk about their goals and needs with their supervisors, human resources, and the rest of their team to develop solutions, within budget of course, that can benefit everyone. - Andrea MacKenzie, Lead With Harmony

Educational planning and academic skills development opportunities through Student Success, Educational Planning and College Search courses should be an essential part of every student's college curriculum, while specialized courses provide unique opportunities for leadership development.

Of course, Black people will benefit from personal development, therapy, and mental health resources just as much as anyone else, if not more. Adult Black and African Americans are more likely to have feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness than adult Whites.

Even with everything that I noted above, any BIPOC can self-select to invest in their own personal growth and development. But overall, these industries have done a shit job of marketing to people of color or making those opportunities accessible to people of color.

I\u2019m Brian and each week I publish content on personal growth. Sometimes it will be things I\u2019ve learned in my own growth experience, but most times I\u2019ll be answering readers\u2019 questions about personal growth. Send me your questions, and in turn, I\u2019ll do some research & interviews and humbly offer the best advice I find.

There is a stigma that is Black people don\u2019t invest in their mental health or that mental health and personal development is something that White people invest in. People are starting to observe that Black people and people of color are missing the boat on some of the personal growth opportunities out there.

Most of these personal development workshops are not cheap. Entry costs can range from a couple of thousand to over $10,000, and that doesn\u2019t include travel costs (flight & hotel) or costs on the ground (i.e. what you\u2019re going to eat). This priced out many lower-income individuals, and with the racial income gap, it\u2019s easy to see how many of those left out are BIPOC.

If you look at a list of the most prominent people in the personal development or mental health space, you\u2019ll notice that most of them are White. This is what reinforces the stigma that this is something that White people do or need.

Lebron James on a Calm ad helps for sure, as does Kanye West admitting that he is bipolar. But we also need to hear examples of people that we know and love, personally. That\u2019s what truly normalizes behavior; when people we know and love start admitting to their challenges.

I think that media and people personally can change narratives from \u201CKanye is crazy\u201D to \u201Clet\u2019s get Kanye some support\u201D and this would go a long way in encouraging others to seek out support. 17dc91bb1f

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