Submission guidelines

All submissions should be written in English with a suggested paper length of 4-6 printed pages (10-point font) including figures.

When preparing your final manuscript, please pay also attention to the following:

  • LaTeX is the preferred method to prepare you manuscript. Please use the standard LaTeX IEEE conference templates.
  • If you use Microsoft Word, please use the most current version, which will help reduce word-to-pdf conversion issues such as embedded fonts, bookmarks, etc. Also, please use the Word IEEE conference template.
  • Please do not include page numbers or headers/footers.

Papers must be submitted in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) format. PDF files:

  • must not have Adobe Document Protection or Document Security enabled,
  • must have either US Letter or A4 sized pages,
  • must be in first-page-first order, and
  • must have ALL FONTS embedded and subset.

ALL FONTS must be embedded in the PDF file. There is no guarantee that the viewers of the paper (reviewers and those who view the electronic proceedings after publication) have the same fonts used in the document. Please refer to your PDF file generation utility's user guide to find out how to embed all fonts.

The proceedings of the workshop will be included in the EUSIPCO 2017 Conference Proceedings on IEEE Xplore®.

Papers will be submitted online through the Easy Chair submission system.

The link to the online submission system: Submission is now closed