
Call for papers

We will have an open submission format where i) participants in the competition will be required to submit a paper, or ii) researchers can share their novel unpublished research in deep learning for geometric computing. The top submissions in each category will be invited to present their work during the workshop and will be published in the workshop proceedings. The workshop will also honor the best paper and the best student paper.

Although we encourage all submissions to benchmark their results on the evaluation platform, there are other relevant research areas that our datasets do not address. For those areas, the scope of the submissions may include but is not limited to the following general topics:

  • Boundary extraction from 2D/3D shapes

  • Geometric deep learning on 3D and higher dimensions

  • Generative methods for parametric representations

  • Novel shape descriptors and embeddings for geometric deep learning

  • Deep learning on non-Euclidean geometries

  • Transformation invariant shape abstractions

  • Shape abstraction in different domains

  • Synthetic data generation for data augmentation in geometric deep learning

  • Comparison of shape representations for efficient deep learning

  • Novel kernels and architectures specifically for 3D generative models

  • Eigen-spectra analysis and graph-based approaches for 3D data

  • Applications of geometric deep learning in different domains

  • Learning-based estimation of shape differential quantities

  • Detection of geometric feature lines from 3D data, including 3D point clouds and depth images

  • Geometric shape segmentation, including patch decomposition and sharp lines detection

Submission instructions

The CMT site for paper submissions is here

Each submitted paper must be at least 4 pages and can be up to 8 pages excluding references. Please refer to the CVPR Author guidelines.

The review process will be double blind but the papers will be linked to any associated challenge submissions. Selected papers will be published in IEEE CVPRW proceedings, visible in IEEE Xplore and on the CVF Website.

Important dates

  • Paper submission deadline: March 27th, 2022

  • Acceptance notification: April 10th, 2022

  • Camera ready due: April 18th, 2022

  • Workshop (full day): June 20th, 2021