About Me

Dihanna is the mother of two sons, a grandmother, and the proud owner of one four-legged genius. She taught Spanish for 26 years and holds an MEd in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on technology from the University of Minnesota. Dihanna is currently the High School Media Specialist and District Technology Integrationist at Pine City High School, Senior Class Advisor and Homecoming Advisor. Pine City Public Schools has a 1:1 Chromebook Program for Grades 4-12. PCPS is a G-Suite for Education district and currently has over 1,600 mobile devices in the hands of students and staff. Dihanna is a Google Certified Trainer and has presented at the TIES Conference, MEMO, the MN Google Summit, iPadPaloozaMN and the iSummitMN. She recently presented at ISTE 2019 in Philadelphia. Dihanna is a 2014 TIES Exceptional Teacher Award Winner. Dihanna loves helping others use technology. Dihanna participates in Twitter chats, participates in the ECMECC TIG group and is the founder of the Dragon Technology Summit and PCES TechPalooza.