Photo Gallery

Cristiano Garcia, on YouTube

About Incremental Missing Data Imputation using a new Evolving Fuzzy Granular Model

September, 2020

Charles Aguiar, MSc Qualifying Exam

with Patricia Ferraz, Jose Willer, Alisson Silva, and Daniel Leite

September, 2020

The Serrapilheira grantees at Itatiba,

São Paulo, Brazil

December, 2019

Attendees on the Brazilian Symposium on Intelligent Automation, SBAI'19, Ouro Preto - MG, Brazil

with Charles Aguiar, Wilian Lacerda, Isaque, Daniel Leite, Henrique Castro, Silvia Ferreira, and Danyellen Gonçalves.

The remaining members couldn't recover on time from the banquet the night before.


The Serrapilheira grantees at Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Daniele, MSc Thesis Committee at UFLA

with Daniele Silva, Tatiane Alvarenga, Roney Rocha, Daniel Leite, Silvia, Carlos, et al., 2019

Fellows at UFMG

with Marcos D'Angelo (UNIMONTES), Reinaldo Palhares, Luiz Alberto Júnior, Luciana, Walmir Caminhas, and Daniel Leite, 2019

Friends from Ljubljana

Daniel, Igor, Goran, Saso, Amir, Gregor, Drago, Janusz, Ernesto, and many others, around Slovenia, 2018-2019

With the neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis at the world congress in Rio de Janeiro

Rodrigo, Miguel Nicolelis, Daniel Leite, Eduardo Soares, Jorge, 2018

Cristiano, MSc Thesis Committee at UFLA

with Ahmed Esmin, Marcos Cintra (UFERSA), Heloisa Camargo (UFSCAR), Cristiano Garcia, and Daniel Leite, 2018

Presentation at the Pint of Science 2018

Communication of scientific developments to the public in a pub

Carlos, Andre, Cristiano, Leonardo, Stella, Marielle, Andrey, Silvia, and Daniel, 2018

Vania, PhD Thesis Committee at UFLA

with Patricia Ferraz, Ednilton Tavares, Vania Mota, Daniel Leite, et al., 2017

The proudest of the teams at the SBMAC conference

Stella Lamounier, Daniel Leite, Marcio Santana (CEFET-MG), Eduardo Soares, 2017

Artificial Intelligence for Meteorology

Scientific Communication by Eduardo Soares and Daniel Leite, 2017

Stella, MSc Thesis Committee at UFLA

with Belisario Huallpa, Stella Lamounier, Daniel Leite, Pyramo Costa (PUC-MG), and Maury Gouvea (PUC-MG), 2017

Fabricio, MSc Thesis Committee at PUC-MG

with Jose Paulino, Fabricio Lucas, Daniel Leite, Rose Batalha, Pyramo Costa, Maury Gouvea, 2016

Fellows at PUC-Rio de Janeiro

with Jorge Amaral (UERJ), Marley Vellasco, Oscar Legarda, Daniel Leite, Ricardo Tanscheit, 2015

Fellows from UNICAMP

Andre Lemos, Daniel Leite, Rosangela Ballini, Leandro Maciel, Fernando Gomide, Ivette Luna, Fernando Von Zuben, 2015