Standard Four

Instructional technology facilitators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices in a 21st Century learning environment.

Element A: Instructional technology facilitators use effective pedagogy to infuse the curriculum with 21st Century content and tools.

Instructional technology facilitators understand and apply research-based pedagogical strategies to design and facilitate rigorous, relevant, and engaging differentiated instruction. They effectively facilitate the integration of 21st Century skills, particularly technology use, and instructional design, delivery, and assessment. Instructional technology facilitators creatively infuse content-area instruction with 21st Century skills.

      • As stated in Standard One, I primarily worked through my website: which allowed me to provide resources in several different formats. For each school I worked with, I created a Professional Learning Page that incorporated three elements: (WFHS & HHS)

          1. Media Center Teacher Resources Page

          2. The Synergy In Ed Learning Resource Center

          3. A Google Classroom Digital Learning Commons

      • Additionally on the Synergy In Ed website I provided several other digital resources around specific tools, instructional frameworks, and pedagogical theories such as Project Based Instruction, TPACK, SAMR, 5E Instruction, STEM, and the 4Cs.

      • Outside of the website I provided large group and small group professional learning experiences around Dynamic Learning Experiences, Learner Agency, and BYOD, etc.

They support the learning of all members of the school community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual abilities, and needs.

      • In efforts to help teachers at WFHS connect instructional technology with all students, I collaborated with and invited Tiffany Maddox to come and lead a session called "Digital resources that support ALL learners at WFHS".

Element B: Instructional technology facilitators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty.


Element C: Instructional technology facilitators model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning.

Instructional technology facilitators articulate the value and importance of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study to members of the school community. They assist teachers in seamlessly integrating technology into curriculum-based lessons and instructional units and providing 21st Century learning experiences. They collaborate with other educators to design and facilitate use of innovative technology assisted student outcome measurement systems.

      • A big piece of this standard for me was extending learning about BYOD and how teaching and learning has changed over the years was through BYOD Parent Nights at WFHS. This was also a fulfilment of my M.Ed. Graduate work with NCSU. Leading these Parent Nights was a way for me to educate the learning community as a whole on Digital Learning, Instructional Technology Frameworks, and the importance of Digital Citizenship/Footprint, AND Online Safety and Cyberbullying.

      • I also created videos for the BYOD roll out at HHS for students. In addition to those videos I also created videos on organizing and managing the Google Drive and utilizing basic features for both staff and students.

      • Also, on my Synergy In Ed Website I have a blog where I share my reflections about Digital Learning and Teaching called "The Learning Blog".


Digital Resources That Support ALL Learners for Wake Forest HS
Teacher Tech Talk 2/9/18
BYOD Parent Night @ WFHS
BYOD Parent Night #2 @ WFHS