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Dinara Karimova 

A a senior lecturer of academic English courses at KIMEP University, Kazakhstan. Dinara received an MA in Foreign Language from KIMEP University and an MEd in Higher Education Administration from the University of Arkansas, USA. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in social and cultural encounters at the University of Eastern Finland, Finland. Her research interests include teaching and learning English as a foreign language in multilingual societies; development of critical and creative thinking skills; reflection and reflective practice in language education. 

Theme of the workshop: "10 fun activities for both online and offline classrooms"

Tatyana Letyaikina 

President of the Association of Teachers of English in Kazakhstan (KazTEA) since 2015.  In this position various projects have been initiated and implemented for EFL in- and pre-service teachers across Kazakhstan , e.g. annual KazTEA Conferences in 6 regions of Kazakhstan, Village Project in 5 regions (2019), "American English for MOOC Facilitated Sessions" in 14 cities, "Advancing English for Media Literacy in RK" in 16 ciites. For more than 15 years teacher training seminars and courses on blended, student-centered learning and leadership in education have been conducted. 

Theme of the presentation: "Student’s Learning via Online Interaction and with Instructor’s Guidance"

Silvana Dushku

A Senior Language Education Strategist. Silvana Dushku worked as Director of the Community Language Program, TESOL Certificate Program, and Language Program Management Certificate Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. She has taught EFL/ESL for over 35 years, and has been involved in language program development, curriculum and materials design, and teacher training in Europe and the USA. Her interests include teaching and researching vocabulary and spoken English, and applications of corpus linguistics and technology in ELT.

Theme of the presentation: "A Research-Informed Approach to Upper-Level Interactional Syllabus Design"

Tatyana Brekalova

A senior language instructor at Kazakh-German University (DKU). Tatyana was working at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages after Abylai khan (Almaty) for 15 years after graduation from the same university. She got her Master's degree (MA in Language Learning and Education) from the University of York (UK) in 2010. Her studies were funded by Kazakhstani Government: Bolashak Scholarship.

Tatyana teaches a great variety of courses including General English, Professionally-Oriented English Language, and Academic Writing at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Her publication list covers 15 works on English Language teaching including a textbook and three-language dictionary on business English (both are written with co-authors). She participated in a number of international conferences as a speaker and was an active participator in several international projects (e.g. a reader development project (2004) and quick reads project (2005); both were supervised by British Council). 

She always tries to develop her professional competencies and learn something new. Tatyana is interested in intensive language learning, evaluation, course designing, and how to use technology more efficiently while teaching and learning.

Theme of the presentation: "Assessment in digitalized environment"

Nurzharkyn Samigolla

Nurzharkyn has been working as a TESOL teacher for 8 years. Currently, she works at Kazakhstan University Innovative-telecommunication systems in Uralsk, teaching first-year students General English and Kazakh-English Translation approaches.   

Nurzharkyn  got a Bachelor degree in Translation and Interpreting from West Kazakhstan Engineering and Humanities University (Oral) in 2014, and a Master degree (Master of Education in Teaching English as a foreign language) in 2018. She has a number of certificates related to teacher training courses: “18-hour training to facilitate the Advancing English for Media Literacy in Kazakhstan” (KazTEA, Relo, 2022); TESOL Certificate for completing more than 150 hours of instructions (Arizona State University, September 2021); “Teaching IELTS’ Teacher Training Course (Interpress, Almaty, September 2021); “English course for teachers” (The Burlington Language School, London, 2016) 

Theme of the presentation: "The importance of implementing Cultural intelligence in TESOL"

Joseph Sheikh

Joseph is a director of studies in EduStream International language school. He has master degree in English; and master degree in Management (University of California, San Francisco)

Theme of the presentation: "Digital impact on standards of studying"

Lyudmila Smirnova

Candidate of Philological Sciences, has experience in teaching Elementary English, Academic English, English grammar, Preparation for IELTS, involved in teacher training,  more than 50 publications in the area of English language grammar, linguistics, methodology, foreign language education.

Theme of the presentation: "Some Benefits of the Reading Club as a Tool for Professional Development"

Anar Baizhanova

Anar graduated from M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University in 2005, and since then she has been teaching German as the second and the first foreign language, English as the first foreign language and theoretical linguistic courses (History of English, Grammar Awareness, Phraseology of English, etc.). In 2008 she gained her master's degree at M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University. Until 2011 she used to work at M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, since 2011 she is a senior lecturer at M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University. In addition, Anar had an opportunity to participate in some training programmes for German (2013, Bonn, Germany) and English (2014, Leiden, the Netherlands) teachers. 

Theme of the presentation: "Challenges in applying literary works for foreign language teaching"

Dinara Ilakhunova

Dinara Ilakhunova has a master degree in LT, and a CELTA holder.

Theme of the presentation: "Practical implication of Jamboard for online writing skills development lessons, on the example of a process describing in IELTS writing task 1"

Aizhan Kalkayeva

A 1st year PhD student at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages”. Lecturer of the English Language Department at Satbayev University. Holder of CELTA accredited by the University of Cambridge. Graduate of the “Bolashak” programme at Aston University (Birmingham, the UK) with Master's degree in Finance and Investment. Also possesses an international qualification in Islamic Finance, accredited by the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments (London, the UK). Work experience in the field of finance – 5 years, in the field of teaching English – 6 years. Gained a certificate ‘Coach Practitioner’ from the International Coaches Union. Author of articles in Finance and ELT.

Theme of the presentation: "The use of professionally oriented situations in digitalized settings"

Dilyafruz Sailaubekova

BA of Arts, Master in Management, CELTA certified senior teacher.

Theme of the presentation: "Flip the classroom to incite learner responsibility"

Nazym Abubakirova

Theme of the presentation: "Methods of dialogue-based learning for the development of language functional literacy of students at English language lessons."