
Columbia University

Teaching Assistant

  • COMS 4735 - Visual Interfaces to Computers. (Spring 2015)

  • COMS 3203 - Discrete Math. (Spring 2014, Fall 2014)

  • Responsible for grading, 2-4 weekly office hours, and occasional recitations/review sessions.

City College of the City University of New York (CCNY)

Adjunct Lecturer

  • CSc 343 - Computer Systems Design Laboratory. (Fall 2011 - Spring 2013)

Instructor of record for a computer architecture lab course. Course included weekly two hour lectures, several exams and eight assignments in C, MIPS and VHDL. Rated 4/5 or 5/5 by over 90% of my students in anonymous course evaluations. The course website I designed and maintained is here.

Teaching Assistant

  • CSc 322 - Software Engineering. (Spring 2013)

  • CSc 102 - Introduction to Computing. (Fall 2012)

  • CSc 104 - Discrete Mathematical Structures. (Summer 2012)

Gave weekly recitations, occasional lectures, weekly lab hours, and designed and graded assignments related to software specification, C++, and introductory discrete math, respectively.

Stanford University

Section Leader

  • CS106A - Programming Methodology. (Spring 2001)

Gave weekly recitations, held lab hours and gave interactive grading sessions for assignments in C.