Dante Kalise

Reader in Computational Optimisation and Control

Applied Mathematics MSc Course Director

Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London

Control, Optimization, and Scientific Computation:

My research revolves around scientific computation methods for optimization and control, nonlinear PDEs, high-dimensional approximation and agent-based models across scales.  Some relevant keywords below.

Foundations: Dynamic optimization with ODE/PDE constraints; large-scale and sparse optimization; mathematical control theory; high-dimensional approximation; numerical methods for Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs and dynamic programming; optimal transport, mean-field control/games.

Applications. Scientific Machine Learning: data-driven control design in trajectory optimization, epidemiology, and large-scale dynamics. Agent-based models: nonlocal PDES, collective behaviour, consensus control. Nonlinear control design: power electronics, swarm robotics, reinforcement learning. Control of PDEs: fluid flow and vibration control, optimal actuator design.

Please have a look at Research , Publications and CV for more details. I'm always happy to discuss about any of these topics for projects and supervision, so please feel free to get in touch!

Prospective PhD/postdoc applicants, please read before contacting me. I'm always interested in hearing about candidates with a keen and demonstrable interest on applied and computational mathematics, understood in a wide sense. Being that said, please be aware of the following:

Short Bio

I'm Reader in Computational Optimisation and Control at Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. Prior joining Imperial in 2021, my criminal record includes: Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics, University of Nottingham (2019-2021), Imperial College Research Fellow (Maths, 2017-2019), Research Scientist (Optimization and Control Group, 2013-2017), RICAM Linz, Austrian Academy of Sciences, and Postdoctoral Researcher (Maths, EU ITN-SADCO, 2011-2013), Sapienza University of Rome.

I'm originally from Chile and grew up in front of the Pacific, in Viña del Mar. I received a B.Sc. in Mathematical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from the Federico Santa María Technical University in Valparaíso. In 2008 I moved to Norway, where I got a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2012 from the University of Bergen (with some periods away from the rain in Oslo and Trento).


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