Donkey Kong

Hello, an[d] welc[o]me to my website! Here, you will fi[n]d pages such as: Fun Photos I Found, How Computers Wor[k], my Proj[e]cts, and all links I used along the wa[y]. I hope you li[k]e y[o]ur time here! I've [n]ever made a website before, so for[g]ive me if it's a bit rough aroun[d] the edges. G[o]odbye!

What I wa[n]t to learn in the class:

How to ma[ke] a game like Oliver's

How to code in c#

Donkey Kong Rap

Check out this vi[d]e[o] co[n]taining the d[k] rap, at th[e] beginning of the n64 game.

Donkey Kong December

Here is vi[d]e[o]gamedu[nkey]'s video beginning a two-year tradition where he uploads these [k]inds [o]f videos every December. It e[n]ded last December with the review of the Tropical Freeze [g]ame on the Wii U and Ninten[do] Switch.Â