
Summer Term 2021

Master Seminar: Economic Drivers and Consequences of Mental Illnesses

Teachers: Dennis Gottschlich and Jens Südekum

In this seminar we cover different connections between the economics and mental health. We focus on applied empirical papers and cover three big areas. First, economic drivers of mental illnesses such as import competition, automation, business cycles, austerity measures, and unemployment. Second, papers which estimate costs of mental illnesses of the economy or on individual economic outcomes. Third, papers which deal with policy interventions which potentially reduce, or unintendedly increase, mental illnesses. All this is complemented by a new way of measuring changes in mental health and well-being: social-media activity.


Bachelor Seminar: Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspolitik vor, während und nach der Corona-Pandemie

Teachers: Dennis Gottschlich and Jens Südekum

In this seminar we cover current challenges resulting from the COVID-19 Crises for economic policy and beyond. We want to discuss the arguments and controversies and connect them with scientific evidence.
