
My research centers on Edge AI, aiming to fulfill various user demands on edge devices through AI/ML services. Specific topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

Based on these thrusts, I have been publishing papers in top-tier ML venues (NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR) as well as top-tier network/communication venues (JSAC, TWC, INFOCOM). Detailed descriptions on each research topic are provided below.

1. Distributed/Federated Learning 

With the explosive growth in the number of smart phones and IoT devices, a large portion of data generated nowadays is collected at distributed users at the edge. This strongly motivates the need for distributed/federated learning solutions for training models across the distributed edge network. In the current era of foundation models, there is also a growing demand to fine-tune large language models (LLMs) across distributed clients.

2. Personalization and Generalization for Trustworthy AI 

Providing trustworthy AI services to every edge user is one of the most rewarding challenges in the current AI/ML era. In particular, models should be personalized to individual users while also effectively handling out-of-distribution scenarios (i.e., generalization/robustness to unseen domains and adversarial attacks). One of my key directions is to utilize foundation models (e.g., LLMs) to effectively address these challenges by simultaneously capturing personalization and generalization capabilities.

3. Data/Resource-Efficient Learning

Training and inference should be conducted in an efficient way to enable AI/ML operations at data/resource-constrained edge devices. Specifically, each user should be able to handle issues related to limited data, limited labels, and limited communication/computation resources during training. In this direction, my goal is to develop efficient algorithms (e.g., lightweight fine-tuning, model/gradient compression, few-shot/active learning) to facilitate learning and inference with large-scale models.

Finally, I have also been actively exploring the above aspects of AI/ML within communication/wireless networks (e.g., 6G satellite networks):