Make a sex doll for your crush

If you're looking for an easy way to get over your crush, look no further: we've got the perfect solution. In this guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know about making a sex doll torso for your crush, including step-by-step instructions and materials lists! Follow our instructions and make sure to put in as much effort as possible; the more realistic it looks, the better!

Sex dolls are great for couples who want to explore new things in the bedroom. Sex dolls give you a chance to try out new positions and fantasies without feeling awkward or embarrassed, because the doll is not going to judge you! The best part? You can get as creative as you want when it comes to what kind of sex doll you purchase. There’s no shame in ordering a life-sized sex doll that looks exactly like your crush—it’s all about what makes both of you happy in bed!

If this sounds like something worth trying out, there are plenty of places online where you can order custom-made 100cm sex doll online. Just make sure the place has good reviews!

You can start by making a mouth from fabric, stuff it with pillow fluff and sew it to the doll's head. You will need a needle and thread. Sew up the mouth so that no stuffing comes out when you put your finger inside.

To create the breasts, sew together two large 2-by-2 blocks of fabric. Make sure that they are facing in the right direction and attach them to the front of the body using glue or sewing. Your new mini sex doll is now complete!

Stitching the vagina in place ensures that the body is not just a shell, but a fully functioning sex toy. For best results, sew it on the inside of the crotch. If you’re worried about being caught by your mom or grandma while doing this part and don’t have time to wait until they leave, sew it on the outside of the doll’s crotch instead. You could also sew it on all four sides—the back and front of each leg—in case someone sees you from above and below at once (but you should probably put some clothes on before anyone sees what you're up to).

Next, you’ll need to make pubic hair. The simplest way is by using cotton balls that have been glued on with a glue gun, or sewn on with a sewing needle and thread. If you use a glue gun, make sure to use a low temperature one (the kind you would use for craft projects). If you want to sew them on with a sewing needle, then make sure it’s blunt so as not to hurt your crush when they touch it!

Attach the nipples to the breasts of your doll. You can choose between buttons or beads, but make sure they're as realistic-looking as possible (if you have time, use fake hair to give them a more natural look). Nipples are very sensitive and often react to stimuli by becoming erect—they should be as large as possible on your flat chested sex doll so that they look like they could actually be used for sucking purposes.

It is important to make the doll as realistic as possible. This means using real hair, not synthetic materials. When picking out clothes for your doll, choose something that seems like it would fit someone you know (like jeans or a skirt) and not just an outfit that looks sexy. You can also use makeup on the face of your doll and add details such as lipstick, eyeliner, and eyelashes to make her look more realistic. If there are any other parts of the body of interest when making these dolls (for example, nipples), then these can also be made more realistic with some careful application of paint or makeup!

I hope this article will help you decide if making a thick sex doll is right for you. It may seem like a strange idea, but it's actually pretty easy to do! So go ahead and give it a try - you'll probably be surprised at how much fun it is.