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  • 3th year (Bachelor/Licence) Software engineering, 10 hours, 2017/2018.
  • (Master) Seminar of empirical software engineering, 8 hours of lecture, 2017/2018.
  • 5th year (Master) Model-driven engineering, 12 hours of lecture, 2016/2017.
  • (Master) Seminar of empirical software engineering, 8 hours of lecture, 2016/2017.


  • 5th year (Master) Spring, Hibernate, JEE, EJB, 4 hours, 2015/2016.
  • 3th year (Bachelor/Licence) Software engineering and UML, 8 hours, 2015/2016.
  • 2th year (Bachelor/Licence) Applied algorithms and data structures, 28 hours, 2015/2016.
  • 2th year (Bachelor/Licence) Java, 39 hours, 2015/2016.
  • 2th year (Bachelor/Licence) SQL and Data bases, 39 hours, 2014/2015.
  • 2th year (Bachelor/Licence) Java, 39 hours, 2014/2015.
  • 3th year (Bachelor/Licence) Advanced C, 48 hours, 2013/2014.

At Efrei

  • 4th year (Master) XML and Web services, 30 hours, 2014/2015.
  • 4th year (Master) XML and Web services, 28 hours, 2015/2016.